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Does anyone have any advice on following a Gluten free diet? I am newly diagnosed and was told by my GI doctor that I should go Gluten free. Any good books on the issue? Anything that might help me know what to eat/not to eat. Just one more thing to try and figure out. I am so overwhelmed by all the information about this disease...to completely change my diet right now will be challenging.

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Hi Tracey,

I've been GF since Oct and I haven't found it as difficult as it sounds. I have a great cookbook suggestion for you, "The Healthy Gluten Free Life" by Tammy Credicott. It not only gives you 200 great recipes from breakfast through dessert but it also gives a good chapter on pantry items and resources. I have found quinoa and brown rice to be good substitutes for breakfast cereals. I make several cups of these at the beginning of the week and leave it plain so I can use it for both breakfast as well as savory side dishes during the week. You can add fruit, nuts, spices for breakfast or add tomatoes, basil, and some mozzarella for dinner. What is tricky is learning to read every label before buying anything in the store. Anything with "artificial FLAVORS" or "natural flavors" or "seasonings " is off limits because these things often incluse gluten products. I have found that going to manufacturers websites is often useful to find a list of their GF products. If I think of other things I'll let you know.

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Ive been gluten free for years. I know a lot of yummy brands to eat and stores are carrying them more and more. Many of the ship too! Feel free to PM me and ill send you a list. Do you have any other food allergies? Becasue I have to avoid corn too so the brands I like are corn free too but ive heard the GF stuff with corn is much better!

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Gluten comes from grains so in a nutshell you're just going grain-free for the most part. I avoid bread, anything with a refined flour/grain in it (anything that comes in a box or bag, like crackers, most likely is going to contain refined grains), rice and starchy vegetables like corn and potatoes. The only exception for me is an organic brown rice cake with some salt on it (usually each day, unless I don't want any)

If you're used to eating a lot of grains the first week is going to be the toughest. If you can make it without cheating for at least 2 months your cravings should subside. A candida problem can cause horrible sugar and grain cravings, among other things, btw.

The toughest part is going without PIZZA. :(

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