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Down And Frustrated, Re-Started Adderrall Xr


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About 6 months ago I stopped Adderall XR 20mg because even though I think it helped, it didn't seem to be helping much anymore. So, just focusing on the last 6 months I tried midodrine and mestinon. In addition to that, have been running almost every day, which I think I'm in the best shape since high school (I'm 38 now). I have been doing tilt training (standing against the wall 30 minutes a day). The head of my bed is tilted and pretty high (I think like 14 inches) for the last 8 months. I have started daily meditation. I have increased my salt. I eat really well (well most of the time). I try to get enough sleep. I stopped mestinon because I was getting skipped heart beats and that made me too self aware, and that in turn made me feel more anxious, which made me dizzy and pre-faint. So that was stopped.

So I have only been on midodrine the last 2 months, in addition to the non-medication stuff. I have been feeling worse overall and have had to reduce my caseload the last 3 months and do things like have my wife drive when possible.

But lately I have been feeling more down about it. We went to the state fair this week and couldn't go on rides with my son, who is 5. This week was his birthday and the birthday party I could never relax because I am so overstimulated, which makes me have pre-faint symptoms. But today, first day of kindergarten for my boy (very special day) I started feeling so dizzy and had such pre-fainting that I thought I was going to pass out. I had to leave for a few minutes when he was lining up with the class. Luckily I regrouped and was able to get to him, but with a lot of effort.

I know you guys know what I'm talking about, but I really started to feel down about it. So, I have stopped the midodrine and had one of my Adderall XR 20 mg today. After taking this I felt much better. The hardest thing this NMH has done is made it hard for me to think and not get overstimulated. The Adderrall fixes that. I was able to focus on conversation better, had much less dizziness and felt happier and more focused. SO, maybe it wasn't working as well for me in the past because I grew tolerant of it. But I'm giving it another try. Oh, and I have ADHD anyway, so it helps with that.

For those that have tried many other things without success, Adderrall might work for you. As a not, I need the extended release, as the instant release makes me feel worse. I will keep those updated that care to hear about it.

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Well, it's the end of my work day. I have to say my day was MUCH better with the Adderrall. The dizziness was much reduced and mental clarity was much better. The great thing about that medication is that it works right away and you will know if it's helping or not. So, I'm actually ending the day more optimistic that stimulants or Adderrall are my answer at least for now. Overall, much better day after the Adderrall. I hate having to take it though, for long term. It does mess with my sleep also.

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This is really helpful information for me. Thank you very much for sharing. I do want to ask you, do you ever have high blood pressure? Do you have hyper-POTS? I want to give adderall a try but my doctor is not on board yet.

No, my blood pressure is pretty good, like 120-130 / 70-80. I have NMH. I tend to feel the worst when sitting still and when having to process mentally (like talking). For example, I can probably drive hours by myself. BUT, add children in the car or anybody else, it seems to put my mind on overload. So, that Adderrall helps with that because it targets the frontal lobe of the brain which is in charge of filtering external stimuli (among other things). So, Adderrall is increased my blood pressure (which helps with the NMH) and it is helping with my processing issues and I'm less overstimulated it seems.

It's day two on the Adderrall and at work I feel immediatly 50% better and ABLE to work!! Like I said, I think the adderrall stopped working as well because you can grow a tolerance to it. Over the year that I was on it, we never increased the dose. Now I know better. I feel like I have a new life again. I have also been motivated to schedule in more clients in. I hope it keeps up.

I should say that there are other ADHD medications out there that are not stimulants, which my now raise blood pressure. These non-stimulant ADHD meds require time to build in your system though.

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