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Tremor And Twitches As First Symptom?


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Hey guys, I wanted to check in and say that since my last flare I have been feeling a lot better. I am getting an appoitment with Dr. Janice Gilden, in Chicago. I have been able to exercise and run feeling pretty well. Still dizzy, very tired in the mornings, but I have noticed that my tachy upon standing is getting better after the exercise. I have read a lot of your stories, and I feel like my symptoms started very strange. I stated before that I had this weird twitch and tremor the day before the onset of a very bad virus. Then the next day the cardiac symptoms began. I have had this internal tremor and twitch ever since then, and was wondering if this was anyones very first symptom like mine?

I highly doubt this is a neurological disease as they don't just happen overnight. I first thought I had BFS, which is a wierd benign twitch/tremor syndrome, but its pretty obvious that has turned into much more. I am just praying that its all part of the pot-viral response, but the fact the twitches and tremors havent subsided makes me think my body is still attacking itself.

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One day I noticed my foot twitch. I noticed the twitching become more and more frequent and went from just my foot to all my limbs. That happened about 2 years and no other symptoms, (no oi or any awareness of any dizziness). Then two winters straight I developed alopecia and lost hair on my head, an it all grew back both times.

Then about 4 years after noticing my foot twitch I got the oi and dizziness and diagnosed nmh. So, for me it was a gradual worsening of twitching and I have them now all day long multiple times an hour. I should say when the dizziness hit it was very sudden though. So I remember the first day of it.

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I have a lot of neurological symptoms, kind of like multiple sclerosis, which I thought I had at first, being that I also had a virus that misaligned my eye, (possibly optic neuritis), when all of this began. I have twitching and tremulousness, also. I am dizzy, drop things, and have buzzing, burning, paresthesia, and electric shock like nerve pains. I was just diagnosed last year, but have had symptoms for 14 years now. It is a neuro/cardiac issue for me. I also have Mitral Valve Prolapse, and Sleep Apnea. I also had hypertension for 12 years before being diagnosed with dysautonomia.

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