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That 'abdominal/chest' Flush/gush/rush Thing....

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Curious once again about the experience I have everyday after laying down to rest or after a nights sleep of a huge rush feeling upon movement in the chest/upper abdomen.... A bit like the sensation of when you look over the edge of the Grand Canyon, or maybe when suddenly super scared, or the fear of heights feeling inside your chest/abdomen. A little bit like a 'hot flash' only it is absolutely consistent with the situation of movement after laying down for awhile.

It happens always - it sometimes causes a wee bit of tachy heartrate - or at least a bit of bounding heart rate... Can occur with just leg movement - or rolling over in bed or arm movement.

I haven't mentioned this to any of my doctors - always other things take precedence and then I forget - but it is strange and began after the onset of EDS symptoms within recent years.

Did any of you experience this and tell your doctor about it? Did they understand and have a reason for it? Is it common? Any info would be greatly appreciated - I do have bad leg veins - incompetent as they say - the right leg worse than left (which is the more common scenario I learned) ... the saphenous is kinda toast I guess... I think the great vessels of the chest are without concern .... any ideas? Thank you!

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That's interesting Issie -- I never considered that as my meds have changed quite a bit over the last year and a half I'd say - or a bit longer.... I am not on Mestinon any more, nor quanfacine, nor metoprolol... My routine now is Clonidine and Propranolol and Dyazide - then Nexium and Thyroid and pain meds. I wonder if that's what it is? Blood pressue is still so widely labile - yesterday I was 98/60 with 52 heart rate and felt bad - then soon enough it's high again - so I can titrate up or down the meds if trending low or trending high - I'll try to remember to ask the doc about this - as usual you are helpful!

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I also wake up to my heart racing/pounding in the morning. I've wondered if this is POTS related or if it was caused by bad veins in my legs. Are there any signs of having bad leg veins? I have pooling in my hands and feet after showering, doing housework, standing in place too long, or getting too hot. Is this a sign of bad veins or POTS or are they both related?

Thank you!!


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Hello there,

I have experienced something similar while on celexa - I'd feel fine, then all of a sudden I'd get this rush/flush thing through my body. Usually that was - in my case - a sign that my bp and/or pulse were increasing. I used to refer to these as adrenaline rushes, but to this day I don't really know what they were/are. They stopped after I stopped taking celexa, but I still have days when I get them for no apparent reason. I could be lying in bed relaxing and I'd get them. I can't help but wonder if it's the meds I'm taking ( I'm taking mestinon, florinef, propranolol and clonazepam) that are responsible, or is it a POTS thing or what? When I mentioned the symptoms to my POTS specialist he dismissed them and pretty much suggested I should suck it up.

Hope you're going to be able to find some answers.


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Interesting...I know my tendancy to tachy and hi b/p etc... is tamed by the meds - before I took meds to quiet down the tachy baseline HR - I would definitely get episodes of absolutely bounding heartrates... where your head and neck were just so loud - you can hear it bounding... Those are pretty much gone since the beta blockers etc...

Yet this other thing - maybe it could be vein related? It's an easy test to see if your leg veins are 'competent' or not competent with their valves - ie... varicose veins - they just use ultrasound and compress the veins and see the size and if the blood refluxes back down to the feet area ... but these are not the deep venous system that's being checked -but rather the big and little saphenous and it's branches if there are any....

I do have bad varicose veins and I'm told now to wear thigh high socks - I'm resistant as the knee hi's tourniquet me at the knee and don't really improve my symptoms... I suppose I should buy them though and try as I said I would... then I guess I'll have to have endovenous ablation.

But it's questionable if those veins would really impact ones OI issues. The nurse says you'll feel less fatigue and more spring in your step ... after the procedures are done - but the doctor said he had one patient only who's labile b/ps were improved with vein surgery.

Does anyone know where and how they do the test for venous pooling? Meaning does anyone know what the procedure is to check for blood volume and where that volume 'lives' in the body and if it's normal in you or an abnormal variant?

So if I awake in the a.m. and move my legs and my body to get up - that huge flushing rush - seems like it must be something to do with circulation or maybe it's hormone related? So confusing! Thanks to all who posted!

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