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Florinef Can Be Compounded!

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This may be old news to a lot of you, but for me it was a revelation. Stopped in my local apothecary yesterday (to pick up some compression stockings) and talked with the pharmacist about my Florinef taper. He told me that, yes, Florinef can be compounded if my PCP and I find that the .025 cuts are too much for me. Fingers crossed that the .025 cuts are ok -- did the first one and 4 weeks out its been ok. Second one scheduled for early next week. Nice to know there is a backup if I want to go to .01 cuts!

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This may be old news to a lot of you, but for me it was a revelation. Stopped in my local apothecary yesterday (to pick up some compression stockings) and talked with the pharmacist about my Florinef taper. He told me that, yes, Florinef can be compounded if my PCP and I find that the .025 cuts are too much for me. Fingers crossed that the .025 cuts are ok -- did the first one and 4 weeks out its been ok. Second one scheduled for early next week. Nice to know there is a backup if I want to go to .01 cuts!

why are you tapering?

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Getting really bad side effects -- 24 hour really bad headaches and a spacey dizziness that won't go away. I have bouts of hypotension and generally run low, but my doc thinks we can manage without it (in the past we've used 75 mg of Effexor and that has done the trick). So I'm trying to get off the Florinef and back onto just the Effexor.

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