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Dizziness Before Chest Pain/change In Episode Pattern


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I hope you're all doing fairly well today.

I was in remission but my symptoms have come back recently. A lot of them are the same. In fact all of the old common day-to-day symptoms are back exactly as they were.

There is one big difference though. Previously when I had an 'attack' I'd get a very fast heart rate for a quite a long time and as this went on I'd get chest pain, and then dizziness leading to near syncope.

Now I get the dizzy faint feeling and the near syncope (often to the point of loosing vision and hearing and falling over but still feeling conscious). Then a few minutes later I'll get a sudden short intense whack of chest pain.

I was quite used to the old pattern and felt like I understood the mechanisms behind it a bit but I don't understand this new style of attack at all. I think it's related to the POTS because it's started at the same time as all the other symptoms came back but now I'm starting to wonder.

So I wanted to ask if any of you have similar episodes and what if anything you know about them.

Apparently my old doctor on the other side of the country has made an appointment for me with a dysautonomia specialist nearby but I don't know when it is yet...

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I used to get the chest pain after feeling clearly tachy and all the pre-syncope symptoms, simialr to the pattern you used to have. Now, I get the chest pain in no discernible order and no clear pattern. I noticed recently that sometimes I get it first now before I feel anything else. I'm not sure what caused the change but it is definitely my POTS.

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