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Any Understanding Doctors In Il.?


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I am staying in Chicago, IL for an unspeciied amount of time (we are not sure how long we will be living here) and I am currently looking for a good doctor in IL. One who understands this illness and is willing to work with Vandy if necessary. I did see an EP Cardio in Chicago the other day and he started off the visit with " Hi, I'm so and so and I understand you have dysautonomia, well I take care of people who have heart arythmias and normal reasons for tachy, but on ocassion a person like you will find their way to our clinic and you really do not belong here, so here we are and what is it you would like from me, cause there is not much anyone can do for you" I immediately became emotional,which was the wrong thing to do because he then went off on a psycho tangent about how I need to see a psychiatrist and find a hobby, because maybe that was my problem. Then of course I had taken my topral that morning and I was sitting so when they took my heart rate I was normal, so he carried on about that. Anyway, to say the least it was a horrible appt. that left me feeling as though I was a nut job being a hypochondriac and right now I do not need this stress because I am in a bad flare.

So, I am looking for a new doctor, if anyone knows any in the chicagoland area or its suburbs I would greatly appreciate it.



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I see Dr. Janice Gilden who is absolutely fantastic! She is over in the Ukranian Village, Bucktown area near Western and Division. She is an endocrinologist that also specializes in disorders of the autonomic system. She is very understanding with a fantastic staff. Instead of just prescribing new meds or telling me it is just a bad time, she runs more tests to see if there is something else going on. She looks at every possible option.

Her office number is 312-491-5425. Judy (the office manager) will work with you to set up an appointment. Dr. Gilden does appointments on Tuesday, Fridays, and now Saturdays.

Feel free to ask any other questions. I found her through the recommended doctors on dinet and had a lot of difficulty getting a diagnosis before.


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I saw Janice Gilden, too. My parents still live in chicago, so I went back there to figure out what was happening to me about 2 years ago. I was referred to Dr. Gilden. While she did help me get back on my feet, I tried contacting her multiple times with questions and never got any replies. I feel as though she is just too busy and has too many patients to give me the time I would like. I have not spoken to her since. Also, there were some abnormal thyroid issues going on then that she said she did not know what they meant. It seemed pretty obvious to me and other doctors and she is an endocrinologist and should know those things. I am not saying to not see her, she may work great for some people and that is all that matters, just giving my experience. I do have a couple of friends in the that area who also have dysautonomia. They have given me the names of Dr. Saurabh Shah, a cardiac electrophysiologist, at the Illinois Heart and Vascular. Also, there is a Dr. Somberg in Lake Bluff, IL who is apparently very knowledgable about blood pressure stuff. I have not seen either of them, but would go to them.

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I know we aren't suppossed to bash doctors on here but my daughter saw a doctor who was terrible. Spent 5 minutes with her, put her in the hospital, and after 24 hours of numerous tests and seeing so many doctors, she pretty much said that it was in my child's head that she couldn't walk. My husband and I just looked at her with our mouths open. To this day, I wish I could get a hold of that woman and give her a piece of my mind! We were so upset and flabbergasted that we didnt' know what to say to her. Needles to say, we took our daughter to another doctor after that.

My daughter did see Dr. Zimmerman in Chicago as well. He had an excellent nurse practitioner who was very knowledgeable about POTS and autonomic illnesses. Also, I heard that there are 2 other doctors from Cleveland coming to the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.That wouldn't be too far to go either and Medical College and Froedert have a number of excellent doctors.

Send me a message if you want the other doctor's name. I complained to the woman who runs the Dynakids forum concerning the other doctor and she said that they had received complaints from other parents. I don't want other people to have to go through what we did with this doctor.

Good luck!


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