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Feeling Like You're On Crack?


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On the days I am able to tolerate activity I get this weird feeling.

Kind of like my head has no physical boundaries and I feel all revved up.

I have to sit down every once in a while just so I feel real.

It's a very strange sensation.

I get it when I move around at what would be a normal pace but I feel wired and like I'm hyper and frantic.

Does anybody else get this weird sensation.

Then since I was so active yesterday going non stop when I did lay down I got that heart racing out of wack with breathing palpitation feeling. Almost like your heart is displaced somewhere in your chest and beating on the side of a ledge overhanging a cliff. :lol:

I guess I can handle that if that is the cost of getting some things done it is just a bit unnerving.

But I am getting the weird feeling again as I buzz around the house again.

Come to mention it on 2 of my ER visits I was so hyper and talking so fast my doctor looked at me and I don't know if they were joking or not but made a reference to cocaine.

I have never used drugs in my life so I don't know it would really feel like.

I just get so hyper and wired, I lose my appetite and feel strange.

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I've had this too. When I have the good days, they may last for several days and then............BOOM........I crash. I think because of over doing it. I don't know, but I think that's the hyper part of POTS. The only other explanation is possible mania due to bi-polar. Don't think I have that though, don't seem to fit the description. So, I think it's the hyper part of POTS. Welcome any other possible reasons?????????

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Hi Lieze,

Yes!! I understand that feeling/symptom exactly. It is just how you describe - a wired/hyper/jittery feeling that feels like you've drank 10 cups of coffee. Mine is also accompanied by my whole body feeling shaky and tremors in my hands. It's almost like a rush of false energy though, because when its over, it leaves me worse then before.

In my case, its caused by too much catecholamines ("fight or flight" hormones) being dumped in my body when I stand upright. It actually would happen every time I stood up, but now the beta blocker I'm on has blocked some of it, and it only happens when I do too much.

I *think* it is common in POTS to have too much catecholamines "dump" when upright or for the catecholamines to not clear out of system properly or to be sensitive to normal levels of catecholamines.

I hope you are able to find some help for it - I know it feels awful!

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At this point I'm trying to accept it and just remember I gotta eat-cause if I don't the feeling only intensifies.

I have wondered if I'm a bit ADHD and I have questioned like a hypomania almost.

My husband does have bipolar disorder and I was able to keep up with him for years.

I have looked back and questioned how I did that pace.

I was kind of the hyper go at 90 miles an hour and then crash type of person often.

I haven't quite pinned that down exactly what it is.

I know I have an anxiety OCD issue that has surfaced into panic attacks.

Prior to that I was actually speeding in the car got stopped several times and didn't even realize I was going that fast.

Now my vision is jumpy when I drive and everything feels like it is coming at me too fast-so I've done a 180 from where I was and I don't get it.

Flashback at one of me and my husband's psychology appts he looked at me and said very slowly try to pace yourself. I laughed in his face because my job was a go go go type of deal. There was no pacing it or I wouldn't have got it done. The job probably encouraged me to go more in the wrong direction and not get a handle on this at all.

I think the closest I get to a pace here is I get up and do and then sit, get up and do and then sit.

There is something hyper even about that. It's like I can't sit still? I do get really ansy if I am in one spot too long and depressed if I don't do anything at all.

On days that I spend only time on the computer I really get blue. I can't take it.

I need some type of real physical activity and accomplishment even if it's something very small like making a phone call to take care of a financial matter.

Little things make me happy so that part is good.

I still need to work on the pacing myself part.

And if I can keep from spinning.

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