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Domperidone And Increasing Fatigue


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I started domperidone 4 days ago. It feels more and more difficult to be upright. I'm taking 10mg three times a day, pretty low dose. I'm going to avoid taking it today and see if I feel any better. I do appreciate how it helps with my nausea and upper GI burning. But I have to function.

Although, this could easily just be a flare of some kind. So I don't want to rule out this medication right away. I've read all the domperidone posts here, but hadn't come across anyone dealing with increased fatigue as a result of taking it.

Please share your thoughts............yawn.

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Thanks, Emma. Yes, I really hope that the increased fatigue is just a fluke. I took my BP this morning and it was 80/50 pulse 97 after standing a few minutes. I was feeling quite presyncopal. My BP is NEVER low, instead goes up too high on standing usually. But since I've been on carvedilol, it's just stayed within normal ranges on standing.

So I went outside into the cool air, walked a bit, and now my BP is 100's/70's and I feel better, but still more sluggish than normal. Still, I'm going to hold off on taking the domperidone today and see if I feel any better. I'm wondering how long it takes to get it out of your system. The half-life is 7 hours, so I'd think it would be worn off by now (took last dose 15 hours ago).

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It was interesting timing to see your post. My son has been on Domperidone for over a year and it helps so much with his nausea. But I refilled his prescription yesterday and was noticing that the compounding pharmacy wrote the words "may cause dizziness" in larger letters than they had previously.It got me thinking. My son takes Domperidone as soon as he wakes up, and his morning dizziness has increased lately to the point where it's interfering with getting to school. So I was just thinking about trying to delay his first dose of Domperidone until later in the day to see if it decreases the morning dizziness. Now, after reading your post, I wonder if it might also increase his morning fatigue.

On the other hand, his second dose of Domperidone is in the late afternoon, and I haven't noticed him getting more dizzy or fatigued after that dose. But it's worth experimenting, I guess.

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I started taking domperidone a week ago and haven't been able to get up in the morning til midday... even if I go to bed early the night before. Do you think they're connected?

Janey, have you checked your orthostatic BP/pulse? Have you noticed any worsening orthostatic hypotension?

I've searched the internet for common side effects and they only list orthostatic hypotension as the side effect of an overdose. In fact, I even found one study that used florinef in conjuction with domperidone in order to raise BP with parkinson's patients with OH. And one study of diabetics with OH showed that regular domperidone raised their standing BP also.

The fatigue seems to have lifted for now. My BP seems to have improved also. I'll give it a few more days and see if it returns.

I must just be wierd. :P

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Domperidone can cause QT interval prolongation, which can cause dizziness. It can also cause sudden death to torsade de pointes if your QT interval is long enough. I would have an EKG done while on the drug to make sure your QT interval is within acceptable limits. For most people this is not a problem, but if you're having any cardio side effects...please get an EKG! Domperidone helped me a lot, so I know it's a great drug and can be worth it, but for me because of the cardiac side effects I could not continue taking it. My GI didn't really think the QT issue was something to be concerned about, but the other GI in the office who was substituting for him one day got angry that they weren't running EKGs and my cardio made me stop it. I was also having severe chest pain though.

It also made me sleepy, but that was more a nuisance.

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Domperidone can cause QT interval prolongation, which can cause dizziness. It can also cause sudden death to torsade de pointes if your QT interval is long enough. I would have an EKG done while on the drug to make sure your QT interval is within acceptable limits. For most people this is not a problem, but if you're having any cardio side effects...please get an EKG! Domperidone helped me a lot, so I know it's a great drug and can be worth it, but for me because of the cardiac side effects I could not continue taking it. My GI didn't really think the QT issue was something to be concerned about, but the other GI in the office who was substituting for him one day got angry that they weren't running EKGs and my cardio made me stop it. I was also having severe chest pain though.

It also made me sleepy, but that was more a nuisance.

No chest pain or dizziness. Just super sluggish with low BP. However, I have to say since I've stopped the medication (been off it for 36 hrs how) I feel completely back to my "normal." BP is back up too. Domperidone is not the med for me, I guess.

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If you like bubbles and can afford it I guess Dom Peridone is not a bad way to go. You must have good taste & insurance. My coverage tops out at Cold Duck, which doesn't impress the ladies much. I've had the least fatigue from Zima but I guess it was pulled from z market. :(

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Thanks, Joy. I'm already on protonix which is also a proton-pump inhibitor like prilosec. I'm just on the standard prescription dose, though. I will be calling my GI doc and letting her know that it was definitely the domperidone that caused that fatigue. I do have high-grade reflux, but I think the dysmotility just worsens it.

We do have good health insurance, but I paid for the domperidone myself.

Update: my GI doc is going to try erythromycin. Yay!

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