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Anyone Get This?


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I'm having a BAD flare of symptoms today and have only had this twice before. I'm dizzy, my head keeps churning around, accompanied by lightning bolt headaches and woozy nausea every 2-3 minutes. And every time it happens my eyes get watery and I have to wipe them.

What is this? High BP? Low BP? Just "POTS?"


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Eek, that sounds grim. Sorry, not something I can relate to. Perhaps someone else will know. Maybe it is something else you have picked up and that has also triggered POTS symptoms. The first time I got a sinus infection, didn't realise what it was and had it for ages. What caused me to seek help was when it drained because I felt really sick and dizzy and was a little like you are describing, but not quite.

I find my POTS symptoms are worse when the seasons change. No idea why.

On a separate point, maybe get a BP monitor (even a ?10 one from Lloyds chemist). It can be reassuring to check BP and HR are OK when you are ill.

Hope you feel better soon,


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Not everyone with POTS gets migranes (I don't think that I do!) but there does seem to be a strong correlation between POTS and migrane. I believe that migranes are often due to reduced blood flow to part of the brain so it would make sense that with our dodgy blood pressures we might be at higher risk.

Migrane is not simply a bad headache it is a combination of some/all of: headache; nausea; vomititng; photophobia (dislike of bright light); visual symptoms; dizziness and many others. Strangly you can also have silent migranes where there is no headache. Another variant is hemiplegic migrane where one side of the body becomes numb or weak like a stroke (must be really frightening to have that happen).

Probably a visit to your PCP to discuss the symptoms would be a good idea.


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I'm with Flop. I'd check with your doctor. But it sounds like it sure could be a migraine.

My weirdest migraine story: I was at Disney World, and I went on a ride that was more than I could handle (Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. It was horrible. Don't ever go on it.)

Anyway, I survived it, but it was way more than my nervous system could handle. 20 minutes later, here comes the aura. I ended up spending the rest of the day back in our hotel room. Ugh.

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