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Heart Issues On Prednisone:


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Hi, everyone,

I just want to pick your brains again. Thank you in advance.

You know I'm on prednisone. I'm tapering the dose, as I can't tolerate a whole lot, and I'm down to 15 mg a day. Tomorrow will be 10. Anyway, can't sleep and am hot all the time, but I'm not concerned about those things. My concern is the heart issues I have on it. I had these problems the last time I was on a steroid, and my heart doctor told me to quit taking them, so I did. Problem is, with my mast cell disease, the steroids are the only meds keeping the edema away after eating right now.

Anyway, the prednisone is making me have irregular heartbeats, tach, and higher bp. The bp is about 130's over 70', a bit higher than my norm of 90's over 60's. My tach is running 90's to low 100's, versus my norm of 60's to 70's. I can take those things, but the irregular beats are driving me crazy. I don't have symptoms with them, like dizziness, but they are so strong, they take my breath away and actually hurt.

Has anyone had this on steroids? I know it's probably not uncommon. Question is, will I get used to them to the point these symptoms will go away? How serious are these symptoms?

I'm taking Allegra at the same time as the steroid. Could the combination be making the heart stuff worse?

Thanks, everyone. Have a call into my doctor, but always like to talk to you, those who have been there, too.

Hope this finds you all doing well. And, thank you to those who wrote me on the other post about their steriod experiences. Your information is always so helpful to me, and I always appreciate it.


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HI Linda,

I'm on prednisone, too - 17.5 mg/day. Wish I could drop as quickly as you! Anyway, I have not had the heart problems you are describing but that certainly does not mean that it's not related. I'm interested to hear your doc's take on it. I'm having glucose issues right now - but oddly enough, it seems to be the opposite issue of what prednisone is supposed to do. So my doc is trying to figure that one out....

Isn't this fun? <_<

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Hi, dsdmom,

Thanks for the response. I don't know that I'm actually being successful at dropping as fast as I am. In fact, with my heart doing what it's doing, maybe I'm going too fast, I don't know.

I hate doing so much of this on my own. I get way too scared.

It's funny, but usually my sugar is a big issue when I'm on steroids, but this time, it's not.

I wish you luck as you deal with this medication. Man, if it's not the disease, it's the cure that does you in.


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Yes, mkoven, it feels like I have hamsters in my chest. It's uncomfortable, and yes, I hate prednisone, too. Unfortunately, I need it for the severe edema I'm getting. If I could get away with not eating, I'd be good to go.

Hey, dsdmom, my doc's office just got back with me, and he said that heart stuff like this--higher bp, tach and irregular beats are normal on steroids, and not dangerous, like mkoven said, but it is scary and uncomfortable. He suggested I drop my dose even further, which I planned on doing, going to ten tomorrow, down from 15 the past two days, then five the next two days, and see how that goes.

Thanks, you two, for the replies. It's good to not be alone in this.


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Good luck! I hope it goes well for you...this stuff is nasty! I've been on it for 7 months though...everytime I drop it's bad...if we went at a "normal" pace I ended up incapacitated. I'm waiting for the go ahead to drop again...by the big 0.5mg!!!

Let us know how you make out.

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