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Dr. Deering Anybody!


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Hello all,

This one is mainly for the other UK guys out there, have any of you ever been to see Dr. Deering in Cheltenham?

We really have to see some one with some idea about POTS etc as soon as possible, as one of my poor sons is having more problems with his low BP and stuff. He also his high blood sodium levels we have had to put him on a very low salt diet, thus without any other intervention he is having big problems with BP and HR issues.


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Anna, is your son urinating A LOT (all the time, and at night?) High sodium and frequent urination can be indicative of Diabetes Insipidus. He could also just be drinking too much gatorade, or just be dehydrated. Is his sodium all that is going on, or has something changed?

Hello Firewatcher,

My son has been tested for DI as he was peeing 4+ times an hour at his worsed. His results his paed. has put down on his notes 'on the upper limit of normal'!!!. A urologist has put him on meds for over active bladder, which have helped lots, but he still drinks a fair amount and pees high volumes, he is being observed at the moment to make sure his bladder does not start to hold too much on 500 to 600 mls at the moment he is only 13 and quit a small frame! He has EDS and has very strechy skin external and internal it seems. He did not have much problem with night time peeing just when upright an odd one I think!

My son has some other stuff going on with duadenal ulcers so paed. is not sure if he might have some endocrine things going on!


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I haven't. Given his rather prominent web-site on fainting, I have always been surprised that his name doesn't seem to come up here or anywhere else. I guess your options are a bit limited since some of the POTS specialists don't see children (assuming your son is not an adult). I also note Dr Deering's syncope clinic is part of the general and old age medicine department.

I would call the STARS office and see if they have any recommendations.

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I haven't seen Dr Deering but if you do see him please report back on the experience.

About your son's high blood sodium levels - has he had urine sodium levels measured recently? By taking a blood sample and a urine sample at the same time can help doctors to work out if it is a problem with sodium or a problem with water in the body.

blood sodium high & urine sodium high suggests dehydration

blood sodium high & urine sodium low suggests diabetes insipidus

The urine sodiums above are just a one-off small sample (10-20mls) of urine in a plain sterile container, they should be taken within a few mins of the blood test.

The other urine sodium result that can be very useful is to collect all urine passed for a full 24 hours and measure the total mmols of sodium in the urine (not the concentration, just the actual amount of sodium). If someone's 24 hr urinary sodium is less than 170mmol/24hr then research suggests that that person may benefit from salt loading. This last paragraph is based on research done by Prof Hainsworth.


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