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Eye Problems


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Just another question: Has anyone noticed that their eyes don't move as much as before?

I used to have a very short focal length (could focus on things about 5 inches from my nose.) Since all this began, I can't focus as closely anymore. My husband has watched me try to cross my eyes and says that my left eye does not move inward like the right. My opthamologist says it is "convergence insufficiency," a problem with getting the eyes to converge on an object and usually a childhood disorder. This is also the eye that hurts with my daily headache (same side.) Would ANS problems cause this? I know ANS dysfunction can cause pupil dilation issues, but decreased eye movement?

Am I just getting old? Anyone else have this?


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I don't think I have had trouble with this, and am not familar with it, but if you are having trouble focusing it makes sense that you may get a headache. Have you talked to your opthamologist about it recently and that it occurs with headache and that you have ANS dysfunction?

Also, a neurologist may be able to shed some light on what is going on, they always test (by following the pen etc) your eye tracking etc. And may be able to answer what is causing it and if you can do anything. For some eye problems you can "retrain" your eyes with exercises etc. So, if you haven't mentioned it to your dr. maybe check to see what they think.

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