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I am looking back at my medical history to get everything together before a doctor's appointment. I am basically charting my life's symptoms and diagnoses on a spreadsheet, since I probably won't be able to think clearly after the tests are run.

With my 4th and 5th pregnancies (my only boys), I was diagnosed with ptyalism. This was where I had an overproduction of saliva that I had to carry a spit cup for. :) It all resolved with the deliveries of those babies. With what I am learning about the ANS, I think it sounds like my ANS was overactive with those pregnancies.

Have any of you experienced this?

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Ernie- I've been wondering if there is a adrenaline element to my ailments. I fairly often have sudden shock and tingling feelings all over, especially head and arms if I am startled. I don't think it happens at other times. I have thought that was normal, and maybe it is, but it does not feel good, as it is painful. Does this sound like adrenaline rushes to you? Normal?

Michelle F.

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Who would I see for something like this? Neuro? Rheumatologist? I am currently on no meds, but the cardiologist yesterday prescribed Metoprolol and Klonopin. I think she is right that they can be beneficial to me right now. I have been planning to begin taking these this weekend, but maybe I need to pursue the adrenaline possibilities first. (?) I am uncomfortable waiting very long to get control of my BP & HR, especially since they are starting to go from one extreme to another and the chest pains are increasing. I am going to have to find a new neuro. Maybe I can locate one and then back off of these meds (with cardio's consent) prior to going to them for testing, which I am sure they will do. Sound like a good plan?

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For the catacholomine/ adrenaline issues you would probably want to consult an endocrinologist.

Also, try only one med at a time and give it at least a week before starting the other this way if you have side effects you know which it is causing them. (Or less your dr felt otherwise)

"The adrenaline possibilities" may take a long time to look into so I would not wait on the meds for this right now if your dr. felt that you should give them a try. You may or may not have to back off meds depending on testing, so maybe wait until you know more to make that decision based on what you can't know now, and see if the meds help. How and if they work can also help with diagnosis. So, I think you could go ahead and try them as directed by your dr.

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Be aware with the Klonopin, once you take it for a while, do not just stop--cold turkey. You need to wean off or you might have withdrawal. I have to come off of it before my appointment at Vanderbilt, and my Primary doc has tailored a weaning schedule (6 weeks) so that there are no side effects. I am NOT saying this to scare you off the drugs, Klonopin and Inderal have been miracles for me! I find that the Inderal works on the heart rate and the Klonopin works on the other ANS stuff. My endo did a catecholamine test on me, before I started all this, but I am not sure he followed proper protocol. Any of your docs should be able to do that, it is a fairly quick test. It depends on whether you want to relieve your symptoms or get more information as to why you have them. :P

Good luck! and feel better!


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Thanks everyone. Well, I began the meds. I have always been against treating symtoms and prefer to identify the cause(s). But, with the chest pains and BP/HR changes, I decided I'd better do something. After two days on the meds, my BP & HR have been 120/68ish and HR in the 60's. That is about "normal" for me before illness. My orthostatic intolerance is better, with me bending a little sometimes. That's improvement for me. My chest pains are nearly gone, too. I'm thankful for the relief of symptoms and hope that I am really helping at least one cause (since the cardiologist identified that I have Periodic Limb Movements Disorder). With my central nervous system slowing own with the Klonopin, maybe I will have a relief of symptoms even after I have come of the meds. It's still early to know how well the meds really are helping. I also realize their help can vary from time to time. Thanks so much for your help!

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