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Need Medical Records For Doctor Thursday

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The cardiologist's office I will be going to on Thursday wants my medical records and lab results. I emailed and asked them 'Have you received medical records, lab results AND especially- June, 2008 tilt table results from my pcp?'. They responded and said yes they have received them.

Here's my concern. I fainted on the tt in June and would really like to avoid taking it again if possible. Because of questionable procedure, I may need to anyway. Someone here suggested that I get the hospital records. I'm not sure if my pcp sent the wacko cardiologist's notes and/or the hospital records....actual test results. I want this new cardiologist to have the test results, but it doesn't really matter to me if she has the the wacko ttt cardiologist's notes [you had a panic attack (not!) and need to see a psychiatrist....when my bp went to 70/40 and hr went to 47 and just would not come up...until I fainted]. I may not be speaking the lingo properly.

Do I need to do anything else to be sure the Thursday cardiologist has everything she needs to help me?

Thank you!

Michelle F.

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You have all the rights to your records. I suggest you go get them, instead of the hospital mailing them. Every scrap of data can be important, so get as much as you can and take it with you. The new cardio will make up his own mind as to your mental stability, but if you had a psychiatric evaluation, bring that too! :rolleyes: (The shrink that did my evaluation called the neurologist to make the first appointment, he said he was not about to mess with my brain chemistry when there was obviously something else going on!)

Best of luck!


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I've had a similar problem getting medical records (which were coming from a different state). I asked my doc's office to fax my release forms to my previous docs, and then called the previous docs if they would please fax back my records as soon as possible. Most offices will send records through the mail (my doc's office does it every 3 weeks), so if you need it sooner it's probably wise to pressure them to fax them, saying you need them right away. I have an appt tomorrow and as of yesterday was told my doc still did not have my records, so I called my previous doc's office and was told she would fax them right now, so hopefully the receptionists will be helpful about that if you go that route.


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I usually have a copy of my complete and up-to-date medical records, but we moved in January and I just can't find all of them. We are in a temporary situation and will be moving again in the next 2-3 weeks. Anyway, I got copies of everything from my neuro's office today. By email, the cardiologist's office said they received my pcp's records, so I am feeling pretty good.

I know I might sound like I am hounding the cardiologist's office even before I meet them, but I want to be sure they have the "hospital records" of my ttt results and not just an interpretation by a cardiologist who didn't seem to know what dysautonomia was, but wanted to pretend she did. When I told her that I was told in the late 90's that I had MVP, but a cardiologist I saw 2 years ago didn't see it", she said- "If they didn't see it, you don't have it." I've heard that, but she was so quick to dismiss it after seeing me for maybe 4 minutes at that point. I've also heard it's not always easy to see.

Ugggggh -I am really hopeful for Thursday's appointment!

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