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Everything posted by sgreen54

  1. Let me start by saying I originally thought I had POTS because my heart rate generally goes 30 or more bpm higher when going from laying down to standing. Well, I had the test today and it's weird - I wasn't symptomatic in any way and even with the adrenaline shot not much happened. the problem was I was anxious so my lying down heart rate was around 100. usually it's 70 so I was very nervous. standing it was around 115. my blood pressure didn't change much. But based on my symptoms that I told him about my cardiologist thinks it's orthostatic hypotension. But the strange thing is when I'm at home and my heart rate is high (the other day standing it was 160!) my blood pressure is STILL normal. so I'm having a hard time feeling like the diagnosis was accurate given that I wasn't symptomatic and he didn't see anything. It was a guess diagnosis really. I'm feeling frustrated. Anyone else have a similar experience? Should I try to take the test again some time? Oh, also, if it is the orthostatic hypotension (which I wonder if it is...) is that technically a type of dysautonomia?
  2. Well, I had the test today and it's weird - I wasn't symptomatic in any way and even with the adrenaline shot not much happened. the problem was I was anxious so my lying down heart rate was around 100. usually it's 70 so I was very nervous. standing it was around 115. my blood pressure didn't change much. But based on my symptoms that I told him about my cardiologist thinks it's orthostatic hypotension. But the strange thing is when I'm at home and my heart rate is high (the other day standing it was 160!) my blood pressure is STILL normal. so I'm having a hard time feeling like the diagnosis was accurate given that I wasn't symptomatic and he didn't see anything. It was a guess diagnosis really. I'm feeling frustrated.
  3. Hmm... I also have PCOS. I am not diabetic. it being overweight tells me I am probably insulin resistant as well. I don't believe I have erythromelgia because I dont have the pain that goes with that. And i only have the blood pooling after standing for a couple minutes. I'll mention ot to the Dr. though just in case. Thanks for your comment!
  4. Oh, thanks! What is a normal person's heart rate rise when going from resting/laying down to standing?
  5. I thought resting heart rate (laying down) vs standing is what you use to measure to see if it's a 30 bpm difference? I haven't seen anywhere that says resting is sitting. Am I wrong?
  6. Thanks! I have a couple questions if you don't mind. Do my symptoms match POTS or is the fact that it fluctuates so much seem like something else? And any idea how my weight may play a roll in this?
  7. Hello everyone, forgive me if a question similar to this has already been posted. I tried searching and could not find one similar. I am a 25 year old female who is 6 feet tall and about 280 pounds so I am overweight and I don't know how that should affect my heart rate. But I have been having symptoms of POTS or some kind of dysautonomia so I have tried the Poor Mans Tilt Table Test. My resting heart rate goes down into the 70s (though it does seem to fluctuate quite a bit). Upon standing it can immediately shoot up into the 120s or even 130s depending on how symptomatic I am (this causes the typical dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling like blacking out, hearing and sight both go a bit. Never actually passed out). But after a bit (less than a minute) it will start to lower down, then go up, then down, then up, and finally eventually rest somewhere in the 100s or 110s. It fluctuates quite a bit. Is this normal for POTS? I wasn't sure because a few places I saw said the 30 bpm had to be sustained for a while. I should also mention that upon standing completely still for a few minutes blood starts to pool in my feet and lower legs and they can turn totally purple. This only takes a couple minutes to happen but I don't think that's normal. I DO have a tilt table test scheduled but I want to make sure my cardiologist (who I've never seen in person - argh. referred by my GP) knows what to look for because I'm reading on here they need to do the tist slightly differently/longer depending on what they are looking for. I do not yet have a blood pressure cuff so unfortunately I do not know what my blood pressure does while doing this. I will try to get one and give it a whirl. I do NOT have a high resting blood pressure. Whenever I go to the doctor it is usually the normal 120/80. Any thoughts, insights, and suggestions would be most welcome. Thank you!
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