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Everything posted by r_innes

  1. I began with hot flashes and generalized hyperhidrosis. Within a year, I had tachycardia, tremoulousness, blackouts and fatigue. The funniest thing about my symptoms is that they seem to flux over time...sometimes a little better, occasionally a little worse, and it nevers seems as though the same one is in the spotlight. Right now, for example, the dizziness is worse and my hyperhidrosis is mainly confined to my underarms, but overall I feel MUCH worse. Hopefully that will change soon, as my symptoms always do. Anyone else experience continual change of severity of symptoms and of symptoms themselves?
  2. I am a 28 yo female who has been sick for 8 years. I started out noticing that I'd sweat more with only slight exertion. A few months later, I got pregnant and that is when the real fun started. Since then, I have been unable to shower without sweating...and I am a clean freak, that kills me. I was diagnosed with idiopathic tachycardia, anxiety, and even tried on hormone therapy. Finally, I made it to the Rochester Mayo Clinic. Had a sweat test, and a TTT. The TTT showed that my body overcomps for the drop in blood pressure by upping my heart rate. It works...I have never fainted, etc. But it comes at the cost of regulating my body temp; I am like a house with the thermostat set too high. It gets a little warm, I sweat. I get a little exerted, I sweat. And sometimes, I just sweat. Am I alone? r_innes
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