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Posts posted by abbriggs

  1. I am lucky enough to have an EP in Austin that was one of Dr. Levine's interns so I at least have a dr. that knows about POTS. They never did an MRI. All my echo's have come back normal as well. I have lots of other neurological symptoms. So for me I really believe that there is an underlying cause. I know I will find it one day. Just have to stay hopeful. I am thinking about long term antiobitics. If I feel better after a few weeks of use I am wondering how I would feel after a few months of use?

  2. For me I was fine one day then I got pregnant with my 2nd child and all **** broke loose. My pots literally started with in days of conception. For me I truly believe that I have some sort of virus or something underlying in my body that when my immune system lowered its self so it could sustain the pregnancy the 'bugs' were able to take ahold. After I have been on antibiotics for a few weeks I always feel so much better for the next month.

    I was on bed rest at the end of my pregnancy for about 4 weeks. This is what they thought led to decoditioning for me. I don't agree since my pots started at the beginning of my pregnancy not the end.

  3. He is my dr. While the program helped me for a while and it did help me to be able to function with out the use of medications. I had a huge crash and had to go back to meds. He really believes that all POTS is due to deconditioning, period. When he realizes that his program will not help you he pretty much tells sorry there is nothing I can do for you. You just have to get used to it. I was really disappointed with the way he went about it.

  4. like I said earlier. This day I did not notice them. If I am around my period they feel horrible. I believe that they originate in the sinus node. I wonder if they just go hand and hand with POTS since it originates in the sinus node as well. My EP said let me know if they get worse. I am trying to come of my BB right now so he warned me that they probably would.

  5. Has anyone else had a spinal tap and had low fluid pressure. Everywhere I look online low pressure means a blockage like Chairi. Just wondering if this is a POTS thing. The low pressure that is. My BP is high when I am standing and low when I am laying so I am wondering if the same is to be said for spinal fluid pressure. One of my worse symptoms is pressure in my head and back of the neck that radiates around to my ear and jaws. My hearing get bad and I am constantly trying to pop my ears to hear better.

    Does anyone else have low spinal fluid pressure?



    I have also read that a CINE MRI is a good test to have done.

  6. BellaMia: I read the Livestrong article too. I think that the article is written for someone with out any problems. The majority of my problems are Neurological. It is helping me with my Neuropathy. The change is dramatic. I don't think I will take it everyday for the rest of my life but for the next 3 months I will. Like I said in another post, I just received 2 CDC positive Lyme tests. So, I am working with an LLMD and just started taking antibiotics too. But for me the change in my neuropathy is astounding.

    Did you read the link that I posted?

  7. I take Methylcobalamin 25 Mg, 1 ml a day. Mine in IM (intermuscular). I give it to myself in my thigh muscle. My Dr. did prescribe it for me. I finally had my dr. reluctantly do a Lyme test and it came back positive. So I am hoping that I am on to something.

    It has REALLY helped with my neuropathy in just the few days I have been taking it. I am hoping for the energy factor that comes later.


  8. Just started giving myself B-12 shots daily. They also have Sodium Chloride in them. I have the type of POTS that makes my blood pressure rises instead of falls. I also retain water very easily. So about an hour after my shot I felt my fingers swell and could no take my rings off.

    Just wondering if any of you that salt your diet have thought about doing it in another form. I think this would work for you.


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