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Everything posted by gertie

  1. Does anyone here have a problem with electrical sensitivity? If so, please describe your symptoms. I was diagnosed with this when I first became ill with Dysautonomia. I am wondering if there are others. thanks.
  2. After a severe reaction to a flu shot I will never take another one. I can't help but feel that is when my problems started. If you already have the flu do you need a shot now? How many times a year can you take the flu? It seems like having the flu would make you immune. Of course, there are different strains of flu. Maybe check with your dr to see if you really need one.
  3. Thanks for your reply. It does seem like a lot of meds & supplements trigger migraines.
  4. Does anyone here have a problem taking steroids? I believe I have temporal arteritis (haven't gone to dr yet) & I know steroids is the treatment but I have never been able to tolerate them. Steroids have always triggered migraines for me. I have a bad history trying to take drugs & am terrified. thanks.
  5. I have had nystagmus & the eye actually moves. This is not visible to anyone else. This is like looking through a glass or bottle. I don't feel in control enough to drive. Makes me really angry at myself to be like this. Thanks for your replies.
  6. Do any of you experience this? I'm not sure if mine is from Dys or Meniere's. I haven't been able to drive because of this & balance problems. I thought something was wrong with my windshield for a long time. I couldn't see with glasses or w/o them. Everything looks fuzzy & slightly jumpy. No one else has a problem with my car so I know it's just me. I don't know what to do to stop this. Thanks.
  7. I tried it several times & could tell no improvement. It didn't hurt but I had huge bruises at needle site.
  8. Thanks Batik, I've so much physically going wrong with my body now I think I'm just generally miserable. I can't take meds to treat symptoms so must grin & bear it. It would be nice to have a counsellor but I don't think even they would understand. I can't imagine what it would be like to feel normal as I'm sure many here feel the same way.
  9. I feel the same way. I just keep pushing myself to try & accomplish more. I always feel ashamed of myself when I complain.
  10. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want to get away from everything. I have a small family & love them very much but for some reason sometimes it makes me angry when I'm asked to do the least little thing. It seems I don't have the strength to take care of myself much less worry about anyone else. I thought when we got old someone would want to do for us. Why am I so hateful & selfish? Maybe I'm in that second childhood I've always heard about. LOL!
  11. I think I know how you feel. I don't want to discourage anyone else from trying new meds or supplements but everything I've tried over the last 25 years has made me worse. I don't feel well taking Ativan but when I get vertigo I'm too sick to care if i live or die as long as I get some relief.
  12. I have tried everything. I spent weeks at the EHC in Dallas, tx. I tried preservative free injections for awhile but they made me worse. I know they do help some people. thanks.
  13. Thanks for your reply. I do have motion sickness. I've been taking Ativan when I have to be in a car but it doesn't always work. I will ask dr about Zofran & hope I can take it without side effects.
  14. I have had allergic reaction or side effect to every med I've tried including dieuretics. I need a dieuretic because of meniere's disease. anyone know a natural remedy? Let me correct myself, I have been able to take low dose Ativan. thanks for your help.
  15. The last time I got a flu vaccine I was very sick for weeks. It wasn't the flu, but I became so lethargic I could not turn over in the bed. I could not hold up my head to eat. I never fully recovered. Can you tell them it's against your religious beliefs?
  16. I have a high family history of ovarian cancer also but did not know this when I had my hysterectomy. My ovaries were left & now wish I had had them out. I immediately went downhill, even before I left the hospital after surgery. My gyn told me that with my family history of OC that I was also susceptible to breast cancer & I should never take HRT. I don't know if all dr's believe this way or not.
  17. BP drop & fainting or suddenly not being able to swallow or breathe. It's hard to narrow it down to only 1 symptom.
  18. It may just be floaters but it's better to be safe than sorry. They should be able to tell you over the phone if they think you should be seen by a dr.
  19. Are they floaters or could it be a vitreous detachment? The floaters I had were like a round black dot floating through my visual path. My Vitreous detachments look like black spider webs or strings. The opthamologist says to always have VD checked immediately. It could be something more serious. I wouldn't wait.
  20. All the people I know that have had shingles are much older than you but their dr gave them Neurontin or a similar med. You shouldn't have to suffer if your dr can give you something. Hope you're better soon.
  21. Thanks Bren, I always feel so bad after I calm down.
  22. I guess we all have days we feel we just can't take it anymore. I'm having one of those days. There is so much to do & I don't have the energy to lift a finger. I feel as if my entire body is absessed. One of my biggest chores is finding foods that doesn't cause IBS, migraines, nausea, heart palps, or that I'm just plain allergic to. I get so tired of eating the same things over & over. My DH was telling me what he was having for lunch & of course it was something I couldn't tolerate. I told him I hated people like him that could eat anything & not have a problem. I can't believe I said such a hateful thing. I'm actually glad he doesn't have this problem. I couldn't bear to watch another person in the misery I've been in for the last 25 years. Do any of you ever lose it with a family member? thanks.
  23. Sheila1366, I've experienced everything you've mentioned in all your posts & more. I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm glad you're going to Vanderbilt, hopefully they will be able to help you. I lost a lot of weight when this first happened to me. For a long time the only food that did not seem to cause a reaction for me were potatoes, carrots, & green beans, all organic. I reacted badly to supplements also. As time went on I gradually added more foods. It wasn't easy but you must try to eat. I passed out a lot from hypoglycemia as well as low blood pressure. I had & have more symptoms than I can list. We'll be waiting to hear the results of you Vandy trip.
  24. I've been battling this for years. I've blacked out several times from it especially if I'm nauseous & can't eat or if I'm having a reaction to a medication. If my glucose gets to the 50's I know I better eat some protein in a hurry. I could never finish a cleanse for a colonoscopy because the more prep I drank the sicker I became. Six hour into the cleanse is as far as I ever got. Dr's finally told me not to try it again. Fasting for early morning blood test don't work for me either.
  25. I have fainted while sitting down from vasovagal syncope, hypoglycemia & drug allergies. I always put my head down on my knees or slump over a table if possible. Sorry that your children are sick. I know it is scarey.
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