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  1. Does anyone know of any instance of Brain or Heart biopsies after death in a patient with dysautonomia? If so, did the results show anything abnormal?
  2. Hi Beth, Morgan, Merrill, and JBL. Thank you for the welcomes. Beth, since we are about the same age, I was wondering if you noticed anything in particular that brought on your symptoms?
  3. I have a problem with heart rate recovery after exercise and was wondering if any of you have this and if you have found anything that helps. What happens to me is this -- After I exercise, my heart rate will come down in just a little while (but not all the way), BUT then when I go to eat a meal shorly after (even if I wait a couple of hours) my heart rate will zoom back up. I get chest discomfort, dizzyness, and breathlessness. This can last for up to several days. This is after I try to lift weights. Any activity after my exercise has the same effect. Cardiovascular exercise is too big of a problem for me to do at all. After cardio exercise (even just a couple of minutes of it). My heart rate has trouble coming down; and any activity or eating afterward causes very bad symptoms. Symptoms after cardio exericse have lasted up to one week. I read some material on the internet about heart rate recovery being a good indicator of death from heart disease. I read that doctors are really starting to pay strong attention to that. I recently bought (but have not used yet) a machine to do cardiovascular exercise on. It is a small piece of equipment that has pedals on it. Except that you don't use your legs on it. You pedal it with you hands. I thought maybe since I would not have blood pooling in my legs while using this, I might could tolerate it. I have not been brave enough to use it yet though because I do not want to bring on the really bad symptoms I have after cardio work. I first saw this machine at a cardio rehabilitation program at a hospital.
  4. Smiley-- Hi. thanks for the reply. What helps me the most is lots of drinking water. Especially helpful to drink it when I first wake up -- then wait about 10-15 minutes before getting out of bed. I don't know if it will help you, but I would say give it a try. It can't hurt none. Ernie-- Very sorry to hear about your many family members who have this as well. But it is good to hear that you have several who have lived to an old age. I find comfort in that.
  5. Yes Ernie; thanks for asking. I am a male who developed dysatuonomia about 15 years ago. I am in my 30's now. I was told that I have the POTS form. I have low blood volume and orthostatic intolerance. I have not been able to work since developing the condition. I am on social security. I try hard, I am not a lazy person. I just have too many symptoms to hold down a job. Life is definately hard. I read that it is mostly women who get this, but I do not know if this is fact or not. Is there one gender or any one race that is more at risk for developing this disorder? I take a beta blocker for my symptoms. It is the one drug that helps me the most. I can't tolerate any stimulants= caffeine, etc. I find Ativan helpful at times as well. Did someone on this site start this board? It is really nice. When did you develope Dysautonomia Ernie? Is POTS a degenerative condition like autonomic neuropathy and are they the same. It is quite confusing. My doctor told me one time that I have autonomic neuropathy , but then he says that I have POTS. It's a little confusing. I had all the autonomic function tests= blood volume studies, tilt, blood work, etc.
  6. Hello everyone. I found out about his site yesterday, and wanted to join. What a wonderful site it is. I have had dysautonomia for a long time now, and it is going to be really nice to be able to talk to others with similiar problems.
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