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Everything posted by Coffeebean

  1. A lot of this sounds like me. I do have the multiple chemical sensitivity.
  2. Hi, I have a tilt table test on Monday. Can anyone tell me what to expect? Is it awful? I don’t get dizzy very often. I have never fainted. My heart does not go really fast or slow. I do have breathing issues. My 02 has also been going down to 88% sometimes. Does POTS have other stuff then that? Can anyone tell me some of their experiences?
  3. Hi, my urine and blood tests did not confirm MCAS. But I do feel better on the chromoly. So they are calling it clinical MCAS. Also I am on LDN 7mg I have to get it compounded at a medical pharmacy. I take mine for pain. Not sure if I think it is working or not.
  4. Hi, everyone I am new here! I can’t wait to chat with you 

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