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Everything posted by graphiteartist21

  1. Hyper pots and sleep issues - Is anyone else waking up every couple of hours during the night? And is anyone getting episodes of tachycardia (heart rate 100bpms or more) early in the morning? I'll go to sleep at 9pm, wake up around 11pm-12am with a elevated heart rate (75-85bpm), go back to sleep and wake up again at 3am-5am and my heart rate will jump from 54bpms to over a 100 within seconds. Feels like I am dying. It's been happening almost every night for a week since I started a low dose of Atenolol (25mg a day split into three doses). I'll take xanax for the tachycardia but now I don't even want to sleep half the time. I dread going to bed now.
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