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Everything posted by KellyTM

  1. Recently, I’ve noticed some serious fatigue after a bm and long recovery times. I’ll have a bm and then have to IMMEDIATELY lay down. This is not new to me, but before I would just feel like the bm took a lot out of me and could still go on with activities. Recently though, I’ve had fatigue that has lasted several hours and on one occasion almost the entire day. My squatty potty along with my CKLS supplements by New Body have helped immensely with an easy flow and no strain, so I don’t think strain is the culprit. I’ve had a history of straining, constipation, and not having bowel movements, (as a child I thought people only had bowel movements once or twice a month. Yikes, I know.), but honestly never felt fatigue after straining. As I write this, I’m in bed recovering from a second bm of the day which has me totally fatigued, but took less than three minutes to extricate. I was in and out of the bathroom effortlessly and yet feel wiped out and kind of short of breath.
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