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Posts posted by AllRelative

  1. @Random-Symptom Man I'd be very interested in knowing more the Dr's interest. Is there something special about Hopkins for treatment or diagnosis of dydautonomia? I wondered eons ago if I had problems with my ANS. i was too tired to deal with it and now it's another 10 years later.

    BTW, the accuracy range of the Viatom output I posted recently could be +/-2%. for O2. I think it's the same for HR. Even if I add 2% for both my HR and O2 I still show troublesome variations.

    Good luck!

  2. More than one sleep study and MSLT. When I would have qualified for Narcolepsy I was afraid to mention it. Now that i'm much improved with transient but bothersome episodes my Dr says the only way to confirm it for me would be to examine Orexin in CSF. Apart from being a test mostly done on animals it would not lead to anything actionable that I cannot already do. I've already tried various meds for sleep and wakefulness and I can try others as much as I can tolerate...which is a big limiter for me. Dr mentioned maybe I have microsleeps.  I recall saying to a sleep Dr once that at times I'd swear my body was awake and brain asleep and asked if he could test it. He said yes, but he would not know what to do with the data 🙂 That was years ago and a test was not done.

    I've thought about getting data from prior sleep studies but I don't know it could add any useful info now. I have the summary HR and O2 from the studies but no detailed data that shows something like what I currently have evidence of.

    I bought a MUSE headset some years ago but never used it. I'm not sure what the version I have can show. I'd still be interested in something that could easily measure my brainwaves when I want. I don't know what it would do to help me now. I'll be referred to an arrhythmia specialist now. and I'll mention all of this related to sleep studies too.  I consulted once with a sleep/brain researcher who studies mostly rats. That was many years ago. I could look him up after I get more confirmation of what appears to be occurring. Certainly the brain is related to sleep and breathing and wakefulness and HR, etc. 

    One Dr I worked with on my ANS balance and it helped briefly but I could not hole the beneficial changes and it was all out of pocket and expensive. The work was with sound and light and based on HRV. That's certainly an area I can experiment with on my own and may do so again someday.

  3. WarpedTrekker Everyone's O2 drops during air travel. Airplanes pressurize generally at an altitude equivalent to 8000' where there is approximately 15.4 % O2. at sea level O2 is approx 20.9%. Many can handle the reduction of O2 in breathable air and a reduced SpO2. Some will notice symptoms. look up altitude sickness for more details. I've had trouble flying for eons and trouble traveling in high places like the Rockies. A HAST (High Altitude Simulation Test) can help you to sort this out. I've had it done 2x. Once the Dr used a higher percentage of O2 and removed the lower SpO2 I had during the test.

    It was pretty upsetting to me that one Dr discounted my lowered O2 readings during a HAST test and a cardiologist suggested I take dramamine and sleep during the flight (thereby reducing my O2 more as I have sleep apnea).

    10 yrs later I had the test repeated and am awaiting the results to see of the Dr will prescribe O2 for air travel for me. It's a pain and heavy to travel with. But it's also a strain on my heart and not good cognitively for me to have hypoxic episodes. If you are on a flight and have trouble breathing tell the flight attendants. They can ask the pilot to fly lower the cabin O2, or they ought to be able to give you O2 from an onboard supply. 

    I don't know about any association with SpO2 and the ANS but I would not be surprised if there is one. 

  4. @Random-Symptom Man good point about repeatability. Sadly, it repeats again and again. When I first got my Apple Watch I did not know how to make sense of HR data or even what my HR ought to be. It was using the AW where I first was able to correlate HR with sleepiness. I was sitting and talking with someone who pointed out that it looked like I was falling asleep. Sometime later I looked at the AW HR data and it showed a rapid drop. Now I know that correlation is not the same as causality but it's something to examine.

    The Cardiogram app is the best I've used so far to look at this data. I've gotten the AW download and converted it to CSV, and then got stuck with no further analysis on my part.

    I just got my Viatom powered HR/O2 monitor a few months ago and took some time to view the data and figure out what it meant. The dips I've seen similar to what I posted here have repeated many times. The way the Viatom software charts the HR not only covers more data points than my AW but is visual in a more meaningful way.  And I can associate many but not all of the drops with severe changes in my wakefulness. I sent one to my Dr and he said to let him know if it repeats. And it did again and again and again. And he already knew about my sleepiness/fatigue issues. After an ER visit for HR/O2 issues following an acute illness I was referred to a pulmonologist and cardiologist. 

    While wearing the Zio Patch one of the events I triggered and noted my symptoms for is representative of what is occurring. One idea for the Zio Patch was to get clinically validated data Drs would trust. BUT the reports give HR data averaged over 20 min. And I need more like beat to beat. With the event I refer to here there is a 90sec trace of my cardiac activity. It noted only 1 specific HR, some tracing of HRV I cannot interpret, and then noted artifact. I've written to request more data points from this event. I also have an 8 hr period another day where my AW notes hours of unusual activity (I was not wearing my Viatom sensor that say). But the AW captures much less frequently than my Viatom sensor. The Zio Patch captured hours of HRV for that day which were later averaged in the report I saw.  

    On occasion I've been able to match data from my AW and Viatom sensor. I'm not so keen on continually capturing data as figuring out a cause of my symptoms. Cardiologist said he can refer me to an arrhythmia specialist. I wanted to learn more about what is going on and if I can change any of it. The changes I see in HR and O2 may be caused by an ANS or hormonal issue. 

  5. I bought my SleepU sensor because I want to track my O2 during air travel. After purchase I wore it to see what the data looks like, how to download it, etc. Right away I started seeing these transient sudden drops in O2 and HR.  And that brought up my question wondering if drops in HR are related to sudden episodes of unexplained fatigue. 

    I'm trying to understand what artifact means. I know some of my readings are from a loose sensor as I do adjust it on my body, change placement, etc. The following screen grab describes some artifacts. I have one event I caught on my SleepU monitor where I was falling asleep while actively talking with friends in the middle of the afternoon, my O2 and HR drop and the 'clinically' validated Zio Patch reading from that time is labeled artifact.  


    Electrocardiography Pitfalls and Artifacts: The 10 Commandments

    Click on image to view larger version.

    Table 1

    Most frequent causes of electrocardiographic artifact and other pitfalls

    Table 1
  6. I also can see my pulse in my eyes. Mostly I don't notice it. I've not thought about when I notice it more and I will try to keep track of that. My eye Dr says it's unusual for someone to report it. I already have trouble reading and the pulsation makes it worse. Sorry you are experiencing this.  

  7. I glanced at this post after doing a search and wondered how did one of my graphs get in this forum before my first post 🙂 I have data from Apple Watch 3 & 4  Watch heart rate data output is difficult to use. Cardiogram is useful but I find the data clearer using the Viatom software as represented in the image I attached. The Viatom products are licensed as class ll medical devices. Follow-up health care after an ER visit and charts from the Sleep U monitor have gotten me 3 Dr appointments. First they look at the outlier and say it's an artifact or slipped sensor. And maybe some of them are. But I keep seeing this type of data. Depending on the view, the data with the SleepU/Viatom software shows data at 1 or 4 second intervals. The Apple watch may record continuously or when it feels like it or approximately every 4 minutes.  On occasion I can correlate the data from my watch with the SleepU monitor. And on occasion I notice a sudden onset of fatigue that correlates with a drop in HR. I don't know what to do now. I had a follow-up with a cardiologist this week. I wore a Zio Patch cardiac monitor for 2 weeks being told and thinking it would give me some clinically validated data. Not only is the visual form of the data given to me averaged over 20 minute intervals, but based on the hours mentioned for the test, they removed 3 hours of data they labeled artifacts.  I have serious quality of life issues I am trying to address.  I know the HR variations may be a symptom of something else. The Dr I saw this week even suggested that I might see another Dr. But I don't know who or where? So to conclude, your HR drop from 110 to 60 may or may not be something 🙂


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