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Posts posted by Chiara

  1. Problems with leg weakness
    Hi I have had SFN, hypertension, migraines and complex autonomic dysfunction for many years. Does anyone observe that - maybe after small physical exercises - there is something like "muscle weakness"? It feels like sore muscles and at the same time it is pain like fine pinpricks. All of a sudden, for seconds, the legs can become weak or bend over, one stumbles,... Could this be from SFN or something else? Thank you for sharing your opinion.


  2. Yes, I have all this symptoms too after a crash or an infection. Specially leg weakenss, I feel this after ingestion of new drugs too. Sometimes they gave me a very extremly fatigue. I think some of us are very sensitive to infections or new medicine. So we have to take new drugs in very small doses, to try out whether our body tolerate them. Speak with your physican about yor symptoms. He has to learn together with you, how your body function.

  3. 8 hours ago, POTSius said:

    Like you I have hyper pots and achy muscles.

    Some thoughts I have

    1: your eyes are controlled/assisted by all sorts of muscles. Given your other muscles are achy, it makes sense that these ones could be too. Maybe this relates to some of your problems. I imagine if these muscles are achy it is due to eye strain (see point 3 below).

    2: you may have dry eyes. I have found this increases eye strain and makes my eyes achy, probably because I have to slightly squint while reading when my eyes are dry. Optive refresh eye drops did the trick. It takes practice putting them in right. The first time I put them in wrong and it made my vision seem worse, so I am glad I persisted.

    3. Learn what causes eye strain. I find it easier to read with a narrower page column, increased line spacing (1.6), increased font size and an easier to read font (Verdana works nicely for me). 

    I have Autonomic Neuropathy and SFN. I have blurred vison problems daily. All this help me a lot. Additional I take dark special glasses. I use different types, one for the PC, one for beeing at home, one for migraine atacks, one for beeing outside.  I read everything in enlarged letters, it relaxes my eyes a lot. Moving in the fresh air, or changing my activity maybe doing the housekeeping supports too.

  4. In my case infusions helped me so much too. When I had a flair, than I took the iv, lay down, but after an hour I could walk, talk, work, blurred vision was over, headache and all symptoms have been much better. In bad times it supported me for 5 days, than the effect slows down. So I've gotten it weekly. It helped me so much, better than every drug. In the moment I feel better, because we changed my medicine and I need the ivs only as prevention. .

    I think, there are some patients with POTS they cannot resorbe enough fluid orally, so they  ivs could support them in daily life ... 

  5. I have dysautonomic disorder, SFN and hypermobility, but not EDS. Often my chiropractioner  tells me the same. My orthopadic explained me, in the elder age, hypermobility develops often back into much more normal states. So it's difficult to get a diagnosis about 50. I make a lot of physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic. It's important to reduce the side effects of hypermibility like pain... 

  6. @DebbieDysautonomia  I don´t know if it could be helpful for you: I have a friend, she has a hyperthyroidism. She couldn´t take the medicine for this, so she went to a natural doctor. He set her on lycopus H 170, no additional iodine, no iodized salt, no seafood, fish, no soy,... Enough selenium, zinc, and Vit. D3+K2. It needed time, but in the end - after some month - she was able to manage her hyperthyroidism only with this medicine and diet-plans. Maybe there is a possibility for you too, to find a natural doctor, who can support in your case?

  7. MTRJ75 I think all things we do to improve our condition or healthproblems makes our habit more stabil, so our ANS can stay better in balance. To develop a good feeling for our body and soul and the feeling of health, seems  to be "the loophole in the eye of the needle" for every form of dysautonomia. I can't change my underlying dysautonomic condition, but I can learn to balance all my other issues, and my dysautonomic symptoms have the chance to improve. That a strong way and just I am a student, but I think that´s it in my case!

  8. I use a small electric fan everytime, when I am symptomatic. He cools my heat down very fast. When I use it just in the beginning of a heat wave, my symptoms don't grow up so fast and so bad. I use it often in the night too, so I sleep much better since I got it. 

  9. I get it. The correct name is heterophoria ventricularis and I take a prism foil for it. I have small fibre neuropathy, so I have blurred vision everytime when I read more than 20 min. or have to  concentrate for longer than 20 min. So I take dark glasses when I have to work at the pc. We have in Germany special glasses against migraine too. To spend much time outside in the nature, in the forrest is the best medicine in my case against blurred vision.I put special water drops 3x daily in my eyes, because they are very dry and make a lot of resttimes, all 20 min. when I have to work at the pc... 

  10. Yes it names heterophoria and I have a foil on my glasses. It helps me when I have to concentrate me. It's supports me well in handling my symptoms. Now I take it 4 month. When I was the first time by thjs special ophthalmologist, she told me my brain was so exhausted, she couldn't make the nessecay examinations. But after 3 month my brain was better. So I am hopeful! 

  11. Dear cmep37, 

    I understand you sooo good. And I am so sorry all what you are experience for so much years!

    I live in Germany and for long years I was sick and lost in the German healthcare. All doctors told me: You have no dysautonomic disorder, you are to old (50) but I felt so. But than I flew to Prof. Grubb in Toledo, I waited 1 year to this appointment. He saw me and gave me the hope and trust with the diagnosis: autonomic disorder closely related to POTS and autonomic neuropathy. And he took care of me from across the ocean, now for 4 years. And my PSD works with him together. I've gotten infusions weekly for 2 1/2 year and we made a lot of drug experiments in this time. Most of them ended up horrible. But Prof. Grubb and my PCD never gave me up!

    And now I need not longer weekly infusions, I am very stabile, can stay and walk by myself. But my PCD did everything what Prof. Grubb considered... off-label medications too!

    So be hopeful, it could be a great challenge but a great chance for you and your PCD too. I have now in Corona tele-health with Dr. Grubb or his Assistent Beverly Karabin together with my PCD. So he can ask them all questions he need to know. 

    I hope you will find a very good specialist soon! With a big hug! 🙌🌺🙋🏽‍♀️

  12. Is there any possibility that your PCP can give you the infusion in his / her praxis? I've gotten 1000ml weekly about 6-8h, so after my PCP connected me with the infusion, I went home with the infusion. It's very easy to pull the infusions out, so I did it by myself everytime... 

    Maybe it could be a possibility for you too? Sometimes I drove 2h in the car with the infusion, when I was far away and needed one. 

  13. Be careful with reducing Guanfacin. I  take only 1mg in the morning and tried to reduce it two times and every time I've gotten very serious BP-crisis with cerebral symptoms (non-stop vomiting, heavy headache, tremors and intestinal cramps,...) So in my case I can only stop Guanfacin for 24h. Now I will try to change extended release to regular and reduce  it weekly  very moderate. The regular form apparently works for 4 hours (3x1mg), so maybe it's a chance to change Guanfacin some weeks before you will have this examinations? 

    Please be careful and let your doctors know the danger of cerebral BP-Crisis!!! 

  14. I have this always when I am symptomatic. I have SFN and my doctors told me that's paraesthesias, that's normal for SFN. When I get it, it's a sign for to much adrenalin in my body and I have to rest or to be very careful with me. When I eat chocolate or drink red wine I have this symptoms too, so I think it could be a kind of MACActivations too.... 

  15. Hello Amyschi,

    I know this symptoms very well. In my case the doctors think for adrenalinsurges at night and they are triggerin a kind of migrainesymptoms with paraesthesia all over the body and extremly heat. Since I take Intuniv 1 mg and weekly infusions 1000ml I feel much better with this symptoms. Hope you will find a good support!


  16. Hello,

    I have normally a very high bloodpressure, but I am hypovolaemic so my doctor described me fludrocortison first 0,05mg, after 3 days 0,1mg. It gaves me so strong muscle weakness, brainfog, visual problems, high bloodpressure,... so that I had much more worsen symptoms than before. I was dizzy the whole day and couldn`t go or do anything, only lay in bed with a dark scarf on my eyes.  I took it for 11 days. Afterwards my bloodpressure goes up and down. Did anybody get this after fludrocortison?

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