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  1. Hi All, I have POTs symptoms and what happens sometimes is when I stand up or sit down my heart rate decreases suddenly then starts racing again and when it decreases I get a really bad feeling in my chest where my heart is. Is this normal with POTs? Because I thought in POTs the heart rate only increases, but in my case it decreases and I get a pounding sensation then it increases again. TIA
  2. I have been having constant feeling of fullness in my stomach since the past 8 years, whenever I eat a meal it feels like the food sits in the stomach the whole day and I don't ever feel hungry for Breakfast, lunch or dinner. I get constant burping after every meal even from just drinking water. Does anyone else have the same symptoms as me and know what can help? My Gastroenterologist has referred me for a Upper GI Endoscopy, however he believes this is not Gastroparesis but Gastritis. I don't have any symptoms compatible with Gastritis, I assume he is not very experienced with Gastroparesis.
  3. Does anyone know if Cholinergic Urticaria linked with POTS/Dysautonomia? I get hives on my arms after I excerice and sweat or take a hot shower.
  4. I have read alot about Coenzyme Q10 reducing Systolic Blood Pressure by 17mmhg and Diastolic Blood Pressure by 10mmhg on average. Has anyone tried this instead of going on Blood Pressure Medication? Sources: http://pennstatehershey.adam.com/content.aspx?productid=107&pid=33&gid=000295#:~:text=In one analysis%2C after reviewing,numbers of people is needed. https://www.verywellhealth.com/improve-blood-pressure-with-coq10-supplements-4129265
  5. Hi All, I have been measuring my blood pressure in supine, sitting and standing positions and I have noticed that my sitting blood pressure is significantly higher than my supine and standing blood pressure. Standing BP is lowest followed by Supine and Sitting is highest. Another thing I have noticed is that transitioning from a standing to supine position my blood pressure increases by 15-20 points systolic and 8-12 points diastolic, is this normal? This does not make sense to me, has anyone else expirienced anything like this? Thanks in advance!
  6. Thanks for easing my anxiety @Pistol
  7. Hi All, I read on several different websites where it said that after doing strenuous excercise if the heart rate doesn't fall more than 12bpm after 1 minute it is a predictor of all cause mortality. This really concerns me because after exercise my heart rate doesn't fall very quickly, sometimes around 8-10bpm after 1 minute and then takes hours for it to come back into normal range under 100bpm. Is this a cause of concern or does this not apply to us because we have POTs? References: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/JAHA.117.008341 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejm199910283411804#:~:text=Heart-Rate Recovery and Mortality&text=An abnormal value for heart,5.2%3B P<0.001).
  8. I am a 25 year old male 5ft 10inch and 75kg. I had an echocardiogram done recently due to my High Blood Pressure from HPOTs. When I went to see my Doctor for the results he said everything was normal, however when he gave me the report I found a few concerning details. Ejection Fraction was 80% Fraction Shortening was 48% IVSd was 1cm LVPWd was 0.9cm Should I be concerned about such a high Ejection Fraction and Fraction Shortening? Do my IVSd and LVPWd values indicate borderline Left Ventricular Hypertrophy? Thanks in advance!
  9. Does anyone with Dysautonomia/POTS have visual disturbances when they strain on the toilet? I am seeing phosphenes very often now which is like squiggly lines/shooting stars in my peripheral vision which disappears after a few seconds.
  10. Does anyone here have a difference of 10mmhg or greater blood pressure between both left and right arms? I consistently have a difference of 10mmhg or greater between the 2, my right arm is consistently lower than my left arm for both systolic and diastolic. I am freaking out because everywhere on the internet it says that it is a sign of a blocked artery and increases chance of mortality. Thanks in Advance!
  11. Do you have EDS by any chance?
  12. Hi All, my hands and legs go numb very often when I am laying down or sitting in a position where there is a little bit of pressure on them is this normal with POTS? When I am sleeping most of the times my arms are numb.
  13. Hi guys, I have been consistently getting a resting BP of 122/77 (sitting BP) since a very long time and since the past few weeks it has changed to 135/91 (sitting BP) and standing BP which use to be 135/92 to 111/77. I was suspected to have hyperadrenergic POTs and always had a high standing bp and normal sitting bp. Has anyone else experienced something similar where the BP's flip sides? My HR still goes up which is consistent with POTS.
  14. Is yours under 10 mmHg or more? Mine seems to be more than that.
  15. @Pistol have you also noticed a difference in blood pressure for the right and left arm? I have a bp of 137/90 in left arm and 121/79 in right arm. I read online that this could be due to peripheral artery disease, however I'm only 25. Do I need to be concerned or is this normal with dysautonomia?
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