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Everything posted by Help4Me

  1. I too have this reaction and palpatations in my upper left side...I was DX with pancreatitis ...and many of us with pancreatitis have that throbbing ..but now I am wondering if it could be something else....I also have MAST CELL ACTIVATION which goes hand in hand with POTS>.....you may also have that . In my opinion symptoms that doctors call anxiety are really something malfuntioning in our bodies....hormones, GI, etc etc....sorry you went through that.
  2. I had 5 CT scans in this past year.....it scares me so much...they keep saying it is fine....uggggggg I think all that radiation has made me sicker....
  3. seen 30 doctors....they don't know......the only thing off in blood work is my liver enzymes and IRON was low....I have been taking IRON for 3 months now...so it should be going up......I was just wondering if this Could be part of POTS symptoms.......I guess it can be......it is just really scrary when I look like a zombie
  4. My face is VERY pale and I have dark circles around my eyes...is this from POTS...is it from blood not getting up to my FACE...does anyone else have this....I look very very ill....of course I feel very very ill too....
  5. Yes but I don't know why and I don't know what will help..except Ice packs on the back of my neck or on my head where it hurts.....also I don't know how old you are or your other health issues but you could ask to have your CAROTID arteries checked.....I have some Plaque in mine....so I keep thinking it is from that.....but I really don't know....
  6. I have the same attacks too and during them I have checked everything...Oxygen, Blood pressure, blood sugar , Pulse, sometimes my BP will be up or normal....and my heart rate will be high....it is VERY scary and has kept me bedbound for 7 months now.....still no answers....
  7. Please ask them to test your ADRENALS.....the shaking is usually associated with ADRENAL Issues....I have this symptom too....it is the worst symptom....I really hate when I get the shakes and tremors......
  8. watermama., I am so sorry for what you are going through....I too have been BRUTALLY abused by some really cruel and evil doctors at the A&E......they seem to be the bottom of the barrel for the doctor population......I really only go as a very last resort......I would be glad to chat with you anytime....please don't let those evil doctors make you second guess your own mind.....
  9. HI I am having a very LOW blood sugar attack right now...trying to pull out of it.....my BS dropped very low and I got shaky and weak etc....I drank some ginger ale and ate a fruit yogurt....it is coming back up now...but I still feel really shaky and off....I am supposedly diabetic but I was always able to control it with diet.....and testing frequently all day and adding water to bring it down and not eating sugar etc....after I ate toast and juice this morning my BS went up to 245 ....then I drank a lot of water and watch it as it dropped until I felt faint about 4 hours later .....so I tested and was HYPO very....and had shakes and weakness etc.....so I drank the ginger ale etc to bring it back up....I hope it doesn't do this see saw thing all day.....just wondering if this is part of the AUTONOMIC center or not.....do any of you have wide fluctuations with Blood sugar ???? Ok thanks
  10. I too can only take about 200 mg of it at a time......mine is always low on blood tests as well....I don't know why.....diet or not absorbing things I guess.....
  11. I also have the ringing in the ears and blurred vision......I went to an ENT and he looked in my ears and said they looked fine....you would think with all my symptoms someone would have said hey you may have a LEAK...ugggggg
  12. Stark I have this too and also have questioned CSF leak.....they can cause POTS too.....I am pretty sure I have one.....but my leaking has stopped lately.....so I don't know....maybe it healed up....
  13. I was awarded SSI due to having POTS....I do have a bunch of other health issues too but it is the POTS that makes me totally disabled.....contact the SSI office and do an application..it takes about 6 months before you will find out if you got it.......I just got mine this month....and am glad I followed through with it......
  14. yes I have this sometimes...could it be a reaction to a medicine....I found it seemed hormonal...but could also be allergies to mold, dust, pollen etc..
  15. wow you did good......after I my TTT I was in a wheel chair and could not walk for a few days at all..I was shaking so badly and my whole body was vibrating for 3 days......do you know what your BP dropped to ??? what did your heart rate go up to ???? Glad you survived it.....it is a BRUTAL and unnecessary test in my opinion.....
  16. Derek I can totally relate to you.....I am struggling with the same issues......it is VERY scary....and at times I wish I had a drug to just knock me out so I don't have to FEEL anything.... I keep hoping there is a cure or that some morning I will WAKE UP totally HEALED.....but it has been 7 months now and I am losing hope.....i Had the 24 hour urine for catecholamines and it was normal.....so I don't know what is wrong but I suspect ADRENALS are involved somehow some way.....
  17. Oh wow I did not know that about Florinef..I just knew it made me sick.....wow....now I know why...I cannot have floroquinolone antibiotics.....I did not know Fludrocortisone had fluorine in it ...I am so allergic to that....uggggggg......
  18. Hey Stayathome mom.....Dr. SAWYER is moving back to Lexington area.....or moving there..I don't know if he lived there before.....so he will be closer to you now....he referred me to a new cardio .....I am sad he is leaving louisville.....just thought you might like to know.....
  19. I was having that alot.....I used to say my eyes are not awake yet.....it was happening alot but has stopped now.....make sure you get a blood sugar tester..and test first thing in the morning...when my blood sugar is high my vision gets blurry too.....but the POTS blurry was different....but it has stopped for the moment...I started taking IRON supplements and my blurry cleared up about 2 days after I started them...I don't know if it had anything to do with it or just coincidence.......POTS is very frustrating and it seems symptoms come and go randomly
  20. Did your doctor say how to fix the adrenaline in overdrive issue......
  21. Derek the same thing happened to me the other day ...I went to Ear Nose and throat doctors.....had to wait quite awhile...and when the doctor was talking to me I felt like OMG I am going to pass out right now....I didn't say anything to anyone...I just prayed inside myself that I would not pass out...but I knew at least I was with doctors if I did it comes on just as you said....my face gets hot...my chest gets hot.....I just start to feel like I am leaving my body...it is very scary.....I also won't go back to the ER...I have been over 40 times in the past 6 months....and they always say the same thing...your heart is fine, you blood tests are normal...go home and see family doctor.....so what is the point of going to the ER
  22. I have severe internal tremors also....it is horrible....I will try both of your ideas......I have been meaning to get a heating pad anyway.....
  23. Echo that is super interesting...i had never heard that before about the sinus' being under the ANS control....I had an MRI during them trying to DX me with POTS and it showed extreme inflammation in my maxillary sinus' I had previosly had cysts in both maxillary sinuses too...so I don't know...but worry about infection spreading to my brain
  24. yes I have SIBO.......I am eating a lot of yogurt now and it seems to be helping with some things...but POTS stuff is still the same....
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