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Maggie Franken

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Everything posted by Maggie Franken

  1. I wish I would have found this site earlier. The forum patients on this site sound like they have a condition, like I had, that comes from enlarged turbinates in the nose. Hard to understand yet changes the way the blood flows. Affects all organs.. This condition can be fixed easily as of January 2001 with sinus surgery. But these patients are tortured by medications that shouldn't be prescribed in the first place. Doctors know exactly what they're doing but they don't like my story so they're waiting until I'm gone to fix it.
  2. I had similar symptoms from antidepressants. Extreme anxiety. Racing heart. Insomnia. It was torture. I can't believe I've stumbled onto this website. So many suffering patients. Wrote a book about my experiences as a patient.
  3. Those patients who have POTS and autonomic problems should see a cardiologist and avoid psychiatrists, IMO. Psychiatrists don't know their drugs well and can do more harm than good. I suggest that you ask your cardiologist about sinus surgery too. In the meantime in my experience avoid most antidepressants, Afrin, betablockers and especially IV contrast.
  4. Paxil caused POTS for me. Bad(traumatic) reactions to Cerzone, Pamelor, Risperdal. If you have this in your history avoid IV contrast dye, Afrin, betablockers and most antidepressants in my experience.
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