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  1. A tilt test alone will not diagnose you. Good luck tho!! Yes, sometimes you need to find an expert!
  2. I have really bad POTS and had a normal tilt test. So, no, it won't always show up on a tilt test. Sometimes you need more than one diagnostic test. The halter monitor showed that my heart rate jumps and my blood pressure drops. I definitely have POTS. One test alone is not enough. Good luck, tho!
  3. I stopped the florinef and the weight didn't go away. I now gained even more on the midodrine!I I went from 114 lbs, just 2 years ago to 143. That's insane. Same activity level except now I'm eating less. It has to be the meds, right? With a new doctor's permission, I have stopped taking the midodrine, a few days ago, but no weight loss yet. And I'm worried I'll start fainting again.
  4. I was 114 before pots, 134 after taking florinef for a year. I eat super healthy and exercise. The weight gain is awful for me!
  5. Thank you! Doctor just started me on midrodrine 5mg 3x daily because I was still fainting daily despite taking the Florinef and Inderal. Hopefully if I take the midrodrine instead of the Florinef I'll go back to my normal weight! Glad to hear about your weight loss! What helped your pots symptoms? I can't seem to keep my blood pressure up (it keeps dropping too 75/45) and great rate down (even after meds it's around mid 90s often)
  6. I gained 25 lbs on Florinef and I stopped taking it for 6 months and I still didn't lose the weight! Help!
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