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  1. I am from the UK and unlike in the land of privatised healthcare our health service is free at the point of use. But I sometimes don't see that as a good thing, let me explain why. Although I love the NHS for being there for anyone poor or rich I feel like in the USA as you are paying they see you as a customer and treat you with respect. It took me 2 years to get my diagnosis of POTS secondary to HEDS. I started with symptoms and at the time I was already under psychiatric care, the doctor of course blamed my symptoms on anxiety without a second thought. I took 4 or 5 antipsycotics and anti anxiety's for my "Anxiety" and none of them worked, they just made me feel more ill. I then started to google my own symptoms and at first got MS. I went to my doctor and said I might have ms he of course almost laughed at me and sent me back to my psyc. Low and behold after 2 years of suffering at the hands of the NHS I found out about POTS and demanded to see a cardiologist. I was refereed to a POTS specialist in my area and walked away 99% sure I was right all along. After a tilt table test and some others I now have my diagnosis. You think the story of being a joke to medical "Professionals" would end there wouldn't you? Well you would be wrong. I was told by my pots nurse that most doctors and nurses don't know about pots and don't really take it seriously. Well only 2 days after my diagnosis I came down really ill. My resting heart rate was 120 and standing caused instantaneous feelings of vertigo and pre syncope. I live on my own near no family or friends and thought hmmm if this goes on for long I might die of bloody thirst. I couldn't get up to go to the toilet, or get a drink of water. I called 111 (The non emergency health line) and explained my situation. They called an ambulance who took me to hospital. My temp was 38.6 my head was spinning and my heart rate 120 laid down. After an hour I heard someone ask about the man in cubicle `10, that was me. I heard the head nurse say "He needs a paracetamol and sending home" I was pretty annoyed at this remark as I have dealt with this condition for 2 years with no help. And now in my time of need the NHS ignore my newly diagnosed condition and think I would go to hospital for something as little as a cold. They then discharged me still unable to even stay stood. I explained to them while still on the bed that I could not walk due to my condition and being ill. They looked at me like an attention seeker and said I have no choice. At this point I accepted that even after proving doctors wrong who had doubted me for 2 years I still wouldn't be taken seriously as I have a "Fringe" condition. It is one of those conditions that is just serious enough but not serious enough at the same time. Its somewhere in that sweet middle where you are ill enough to be disabled but not ill enough for anyone to give a ****. I asked the nurses how I would get home. I had no money as I left my card at home (Didn't really think of bringing my wallet as I was being taken onto a stretcher into an ambulance) They said they can write me a slip so I can get the bus. At this point I was just angry, The bus? The bloody bus? The bus stop was 500 meters from the hospital and I have a condition that doesn't allow me to walk far on the best of days and here I am at my absolute worst. Lets also never mind the fact that I am a severe agoraphobic prone to panic attacks in public spaces. Couple a panic attack with POTS and I was sure to pass out. I said the nurse this is a joke... I will be back in 10 minutes when I smash my head on the floor from passing out. She said there is nothing that can be done. Luckily my dad wasn't working and he drove 15 miles to and from to take me home. I am sorry for the novel but I guess to summarise this post does anyone in the uk specifically feel like their condition is not taken seriously? But does anyone elsewhere also feel this way? I am by no means a needy person. I am 22 years old, live alone and have pretty much just dealt with this condition as it comes for the last 2 years all on my own. But now with a diagnosis I just want some help. I'm not looking for sympathy but when I am so ill I can not stand is it too much to think the nhs would keep me in for a few days and look after me till I am well? I just feel like the NHS has 100% left me to rot. Thanks to anyone who reads all of this and I am eager to know if anyone else experiences the same?
  2. Im in the UK, South Yorkshire, Im 22 and I totally feel you. I feel isolated as **** most days., I can also do the basics like getting around the house but anything further than my front door without a lift is outside the realm of possibilities. I am currently working on getting a wheel chair but first iv got to fight to get my doctor to take our condition seriously
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