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Everything posted by Ashc

  1. That's great. I'm happy for you. I'm going to check this out.
  2. I used to do a lot of reading and journaling during spring time, but I figured it's the best time to maybe do some artworks? What do you think guys? Or outdoor activities are better?
  3. It's really hard dealing with this. I mean, there's so much that we want to eat but our bodies can't take them. It's frustrating at times.
  4. How about green smoothies or say feta wraps?
  5. Dry shampoo and cleaning myself with a hand towel. Sometimes, I wash my hair alone then again hand towel clean my whole body.
  6. Reading a book has always been my favorite when resting. Sometimes, I watch the TV or write.. Anything to pass the time really.
  7. Not sure I'd be able to help, but Hugs and prayers for you! Stay strong.
  8. Been working at home since last year and I think I got used to it. I'm excited to go back to work outside my four walls but at the same time I'm kind of anxious about it. Just the thought of it makes my stomach turn. Do you get guys get this feeling as well?
  9. It's really hard to lose weight when our body is less reactive to traditional ways like diets and exercises due to some factors like metabolism. I don't think there's a natural way around it though. Just be strict and patient on these two. Don't stop because you're not seeing results immediately. You'll get to your target weight soon enough.
  10. Wow! Aren't orchids hard to maintain? That's a great idea! What would you say a happy color would be? I love the color white but I can try something new.
  11. Have you thought of some project to start yet? I'm thinking of doing something in the backyard. Just add something nice to the house.
  12. Yes, the @ followed by the username @Sarah TeeYou have to wait sometimes though. Or it's just me.
  13. Great job. Her voice is angelic. I love that song so much. It makes my heart ache for some reason. Happy new year to all!
  14. Haven't started the gardening just yet. Maybe after new year so it could mark the new year for me. Happy new year all!
  15. That look! 😆I wonder he's thinking.
  16. Wow! I am speechless! It seems like I am reading from a magazine or blog. The plants you mentioned are all good as medicines. I have read all about it and never really thought anyone could grow them all! Wow, I want to live in your house! LOL Seriously, that's amazing. Yey, I'm going to PM you when I decided to start myself for sure! But don't I need to have like a green thumb or something for those kinds of plants? Anyhow, I just want to share this downloadable I found from WHO site. It's about dealing with the pandemic. It's in pdf. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240003927?gclid=CjwKCAiAz4b_BRBbEiwA5XlVVuEDbG-U1aSA7pl7TdskTs6icr6c2uUAKmWSvEGNWngzzAq-rH__zRoCHRsQAvD_BwE Check it out when you get a chance. Keep safe!
  17. Me too! Sounds like heaven right now.
  18. Hello! Thanks for your responses. Appreciate all the thoughts. Boredom seems to lead to depression, so I might have to think about new things to try. I'm thinking about gardening, herbs and other edible plants. But I still have to do some research as I haven't really done any decent gardening all my life. @Pistol I haven't really thought about social media that way. I mean, the places I visit are chaotic. I guess I've been using it all wrong. When you say Facetime and Zoom, I assume it would be with your circle, right? @dancer65Me too! I love music and singing along, just when no one can hear LOL Keep safe!
  19. Shortness of breath could be from a lot of things. Some doctors oversee this and would only be diagnosed when worse.
  20. Welcome to the community. Sad to hear about your daughter. Trazadone helps but I suggest asking your doctor first about it as every individual varies depending on the history. I'm hoping that you'd be able to do well. I couldn't help much but there are a lot of knowledgeable people here. You will be in my prayers. Wish you well!
  21. Most of us are already dealing with other health issues, including mental health which has been aggravated by the lockdowns and all the chaos surrounding COVID-19. Did you have some issues like depression or anxiety. If so, did you seek professional help? I'm not certain if that's convenient at this time though.
  22. A second opinion is always a good decision as doctors have different insights sometimes.
  23. Keep us posted on the Plaquenil. Thanks for sharing this.
  24. Right now, home with the family is all we need.
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