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  1. Hello! I recently have been diagnosed with POTS syndrome after months and months of being told it was all anxiety related. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis when I was 15 (now 22), and they believed the gastroparesis was caused by anxiety as well. We are now putting it all together and realizing it was the POTS all along. I started lexapro at that time, and had no symptoms and was in good health until August 2016. I'm not sure if the lexapro just stopped working or the POTS got worse, but I have felt bad every day since then. My main symptom over everything is this disassociation feeling, it's terrifying and causes anxiety as well. I just feel drugged 24/7 basically, and not connected to anything anymore. Has anyone dealt with this symptom? Have you found anything that helps it, medication, home remedies, etc? I've tried Florinef for about two weeks and it didn't seem to help. I just started a combination of midoridne and metoprolol but it seems to be making my heart rate too low (in the 50s). My blood pressure always runs around 110/75. Has anyone had success with an SSRI, have it stop working and then restarted it later with success?? Any tips or responses would be helpful! thanks in advance!
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