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Alex D.

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Posts posted by Alex D.

  1. Hi, I wore a 24 hour halter and had 22,000 ectopics with a total beat co7nt of 99,000.  Like 1 in 4 beats I was going crazy.  My cardiologist tried several meds until we hit on Propofanone,, it’s a live saver.  I still have a few ectopic beets, but it’s like 10-20 a day.  

  2. I would suggest a 24 hour halter heart monitor,  This will detect the severity of Ectopic beets, PVS's and PAC's. An ECG is only a short snapshot.

    My 24 hour halter monitor detected 22,000 ectopic beats.  This was out of 99,000 beats for the day,  1 in 4 beats was ectopic, I not am on a heart rhythm medication, Propafone, which has done wonders.  My Ectopic beats are far and few between.

    Good luck!

  3. I got the Moderna vaccination months ago, only a day or two of body aches.  I have OH, SFN, many symptoms. Digestive, migraines, CFS, brain fog, etc.  

    I personally think Covid will be with the world forever.  Vaccinations will be essential, variants are stronger and more deadly.

    I really don’t think vaccinations are a personal choice for almost all people.  The alternatives are more deaths and suffering.

    Sorry for the soap box talk, but I had a few friends that did not survive Covid. 

  4. My 24 hour holter monitor showed 22,000 PVC’s and PAC’s.  My cardiologist said that they weren’t in themselves dangerous, but I insisted that we try and treat them. After several months trying different medications and discussions about an ablation we tried Propafenone. 
    It all but cured the ectopic beats, a no more than 1-2 an hour.

    Hope you find a solution, it’s a real pain living with the etopic beats!

  5. Hi,

    I’m on Lyrica and Pristiq.  They help, but no cure.  In a rather interesting side note, one of our cats developed something called “Twitchy Cat Syndrome.”

    it is an imbalance in the nervous system, similar to Dysautonomia.  Cats was caused by a shock to the system from steroids.

    Our vet prescribed anxiety medication for the immediate issues, but also gave Stanley (cat), antidepressants to try and reset the nervous system.  
    It worked, we slowly increased dose, then after a few months, we slowly weened him off.  
    He is almost normal, still has spells of the Twitchy Cat, but very infrequent.

    So, it appears to work in cats!   Good luck! 

  6. Hi,

    I was diagnosed with very extreme ectopic beats, I wore a 24 hour heart monitor halter and had approximately 98,000 beats, ( normal range), my PVC and PAC count was 22,000.  One out of four, cardiologist said not very dangerous but extremely troubling as the sensation would disrupt my sleep and my waking concentration.  We tried 3-4 arrhythmia meds before hitting on Propafenone.

    Now almost no ectopic beats, I am very happy with my results.  Caution, The Med has lots of interactions and you need to use it for a while to find good dose and to see if it is effective.  Been on it for  2 years.

    Good luck, there are options,


  7. I had 22,000 PVC’s and PAC’s measured during a 24 hour heart halter monitoring.  My heart beat count during this time was 99,000.  Near normal.

    But the ectopic beats were every 4th beat, it sucked.  I could feel them 24 hours a day.

    Cardiologist had me try several arythmia drugs before finding Propafenone.  

    I reciently had a 4 hour surgery and the anesthesiologist said there were insignificant number of ectopic beats.  Seems to be working for me.

  8. I use a traditional TENS unit for specific localized pain like neck and coat hanger, but I bought a Quell unit to try and minimize my fibromyalgia pain.  It expensive, but they have a 30 day money back guarantee.

    its been clinically tested and will provide some relief in 80% of patients.  I guess I’m in that 80%.



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