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Everything posted by Iheartfrogs217

  1. Great discussion and I'm so happy to have found this article! I have been experiencing bradycardia lately too. This is a new symptom for me so I was wondering if it was dangerous or just another POTS symptom? My heart rate went down to 43 when laying in bed. Is that concerning? Thanks for your help!
  2. Hi all! I've noticed over the past couple of days that my heart rate has dropped low. At night when I'm resting in bed I had a reading of 43. Is this another one of the annoying POTS symptoms? Just curious if anyone else has this problem. Thanks for your consideration and time!
  3. Hey everyone just an update. I went to the doctor today and they said my heart was normal and healthy! It's so nice to have a piece of mind! As for insurance my parents don't have any either because my family is self employed. Relax86: do you know where I could apply for state insurance?
  4. Hi everyone! My doctor highly recommends the meningitis vaccine for teens and I was wondering if anyone else has ever received this and if it's safe to get with POTS? If anyone has any information that would be great! Thank you!
  5. Congratulations POTLUCK! I'm so happy that you are seeing so much improvement! Also thanks for the inspiration! Keep up the good work!
  6. Thanks for all of your advice again! I have an appointment on Monday so we'll see how it goes! I'm sorry to hear that we're all going through the same sort of thing. It can be really tough sometimes. I hope they find a cure soon! God bless you all and give us all rest!
  7. Thanks Racer and Alex for your feedback! I recently had an EKG done and everything came back normal. So do you think these triple beats are dangerous and not related to POTS? It will be hard for me to get to a doctor soon as I don't have insurance. Also if you don't mind me asking when did you find out about your dysautonomia and heart problems and how old are you both? I'm 16 and I'm wondering if age makes a difference in symptoms and complications? Thanks again for all you're help!
  8. Hi everyone! I was diagnosed with POTS about a half a year ago and I noticed that today my heart seemed to be triple beating or having an irregular rhythm. Does anyone else with POTS ever experience this? Also does your pulse seem strong and some days and weaker on other days? Any information would be helpful! Thank You!!
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