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Everything posted by eralna

  1. Nina, You say that you had a "large spillover". How do you know that? What test tells you this? Is it bloodwork or urine testing? I see that you had tests done at NIH. How extensive is their testing and do the results mean anything as far as usefulness? nancy
  2. I am very interested in this post. I just saw my neuro today and asked if there was some testing that we could do re: catecholamine levels. She said she wasn't real knowledgeable in this area but is willing to pursue it if I wanted. She asked me to forward any info on to her. I remember in the past seeing some good articles re: testing, etc. but have a new computer and don't have the links any more. Does anyone know of any good doctor type articles that I can send to her? Also, it seems that somewhere I read that some of these tests are done in a very controlled setting like a hospital and that maintaining quiet was very important. I am curious what tests are out there besides the 24 hr urine. I'm also curious what symptoms do you have that might relate specifically to catecholamine levels? Is beyond BP and heartrate problems? thanks, nancy
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