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Posts posted by CarrieJessica

  1. My insurance approved a power wheelchair. Mine does recline some. I love it! I'm so much more included with my family. I can go down every lane at the grocery store, I can take the dog for a walk even though I live on a hill, and things like baseball games or going to the zoo are doable instead of planned without me.

    I absolutely love my wheelchair and I never thought I'd feel that way.

  2. I just came home from my Mayo trip. I saw Neurology, Autonomic Clinic. This appointment was less than an hour.

    I will say if you have the mindset of going for an opinion I'd say go for it. I went with expectations and was very disappointed. It was strange and confirmed that I am more than happy with Dr Randy Thompson in Pensacola.

  3. I have a port and receive 6 to 8 liters of saline a week and 2 of them are infused with vitamins.

    I went in thinking IV therapy would be the fix it button, it hasn't been. I will say I pass out less frequently and that in itself keeps me doing IV therapy but I am still fatigued, have an irregular heart rate, tachy and bradycardia, gastroparesis etc.. I think if you have had IV therapy and it works for you a port is the way to go for the long term. I wish I had been more realistic with my expectations.

    Here is a blog post from my first week with my port. http://justmildlymedicated.com/injectable-power-port-for-iv-therapy-to-treat-dysautonomia/

    and a follow up a month in http://justmildlymedicated.com/injectable-power-port-to-treat-dysautonomia-the-first-month/


    It starts like the chills, sometimes I think "Maybe its just the chills this time" but it lasts longer and get stronger. Sometimes its just an arm or leg others its full body. I am so tired afterwards too. I have talked about it with my doc and he thinks it maybe something my body does in "panic mode" when I might otherwise pass out. or pass out again after already having passed out.

    I've gotten a few recorded to show my doc, they are here http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-IxocQFB3xwKAAfTNmNr7Q

  5. I know I look sick most of the time, most of the real world only sees me when I am together enough to be part of it... for me that means hair reasonably done, make up and dressed. I am volunteering tonight at my kiddos school, I'll be put together then... but right now... well, not so much.

    Smoke and mirrors when I have the energy to do it!

  6. They added a multivitamin to my IV therapy, everything was on the low end of average or low, my D was 23. I just added fibro to the list as was told if my VIT levels come up to the middle range of normal I may feel some relief from CFS and Fibro.

    Fingers crossed

    I am also not walking except for around the house, I use a power wheelchair for most things. I do feel better after 30 minutes of pedaling on my recumbent bike that I have in my bedroom, the motivation to start is just so hard :/


  7. I am so sorry to hear this, it's very unfair.

    Have you maybe considered something you can control?

    I host a book club with 6 other friends once a month. I chose the day, I know we still have unpredictable bad days but I chose a day where I have had an infusion and rest the day before to try for the best odds. I have it at my house so I am not having to stress about getting somewhere and if I start to feel bad half way, yadda yadda.

    Some things still ****, I know they all see each other more often and even though they are awesome its hard to hear an inside joke and be on the outside because I wasn't there. These are the types of things that won't change so I have to find ways to cope with that feeling and not let it overtake the time I have with friends.

    Maybe you could try a few different things, maybe invite a friend to keep you company during your infusion, or invite a few people over for an hour or two for something kind of specific, like video games, a movie or something else you like.

    It is tough, ((big hug))


  8. Hi, I am also an all over the place BP and HR. I don't like to follow any rules ;)

    For me as far as HR Because my body always comes back into a normal range on its own we've decided a pacemaker is not for me right now. I have several appointments with 2 EP's to come to that conclusion, but I do know other Dysautonomia patients with pacemakers. Make sure to really talk about it and get a second opinion. Not that I thought you wouldn't ;)

    To empathize; ugh I hate being all over the place. its like one hour I am near drooling on the couch with low hr and bp the next hour I am still on the same couch but my heart is going faster with palpatations and my bp is 150/100. It's exhausting on my body to always flip around like that.


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