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  1. I just want to thank everyone here. I wish everyone only the best in their health and endeavors. CM
  2. That is inappropriate. I am not a representative or employee for ANSAR. I didn't say I am not using ANSAR testing. Please don't hijack this thread for your personal agenda.
  3. Thanks MKOven, So with treatment did your repeat test improve? How long after the first did you have the repeat?
  4. MM, Please don't start again with 'you make me a little uncomfortable as well'. I have searched all past ANSAR posts. I am NOT associated with ANSAR. There is a problem with some of the practices using this test. Few doctors know what to actually do with the results. ANSAR shamelessly promotes it to them to test patients in their practices as an additional income revenue stream. This is wrong! There is a past post about this from several years ago. JanetRN does a good job in trying to explain this test. I will not repeat this. JanetRN ANSAR Thread
  5. Has anyone had it done? What do you think? What is your understanding of it? What would you want it to do or answer? Just asking.
  6. Not by me. If you would like to buy me a cup of coffee, thank you. But for you MM it is all free. Interesting that not a single donation in the month it was up. It's not about the money or any sale.
  7. Sue1234, look over at the start of this thread, do you answer yes to any? I learn everyday and usually learn the most from my patients. I am grateful for having everyone as my teacher. In fact here i read about turmeric. Very interesting. I wonder why certain cultures are resistant to certain diseases and when they move say to the US they get these diseases. I want to stop at my local ethnic store for some.
  8. Thank you Tearose. When one is enthusiastic about a subject or topic, it is hard to get it out sometimes.
  9. Board Certified Internest, Board certified emergency medicine physician not PA or want to be anything, with over 20 years of experience. I have many interests and am particularly interested in DysA. I have studied and read most everything out there about DysA. I work closely with another cardiologist physician who specializes in ANS dysfunction, treatment and research. He has 10 years and over 5,000 patients experience in DysA. I have nothing to sell, nothing to peddle. No hidden agenda. I didn't see an area for biography in my profile here. I hope this answers some of your doubts.
  10. Tearose, sorry to hear you disappointment. What test is used to follow ANS dysfunction? The TTT? What test does your doctor use to follow your DysA dysfuntion. The TTT is in your words 'not worth doing. It is a waste of our limited time and money". What does it measure? Can it follow a disease recovery or progression? I resent your comment "undisclosed, unwilling to share newbie". Be nice, play nice. I have no ax to grind here.
  11. Dysautonomia(DysA) is an imbalance of the ANS. The sympathetic(SNS) and parasympathetic(PNS) nervous systems are out of balance. The sns and pns can be measured and followed. DysA is a central/core disorder with many variable peripheral signs and symptoms. Most current practitioners treat the peripheral and not the central core problem. So if one complains of tachycardia they get a peripheral acting B blocker, hypotension- florinef, anxiety- benzos, depression-antidepressant, joint/muscle pains- pain meds, lyrica, nerve complaints- neurontin, elevated/fluctating glucose levels- insulin, and the list goes on. Are any or these drugs treating the actual problem- DysA or are they just treating a complaint. If you are taking a drug and you still are having symptoms and it is not treating the underlying problem, Why keep taking it? Oh yeah the doctor will just up the dose because the drug is not working and now you get a whole new list of SE and complaints. We treat chronic diseases very poorly for the most part. Treatment from the outside, peripherally is not the answer.
  12. I agree with you Sue1234. I believe the food we eat today is very different than what we ate just 50 years ago. Take the apple for instance. It has been genetically engineered, hybrid breed, selected out to grow faster, grow bigger, stay ripe longer, be more colorful, insect resistant, etc. The apple of past was small, dense, different tasting and more nutritionally sound. Yes these are 'natural' grown in nature but not the way nature intended. Sorry to get off track a little with the foods. Someone earlier asked and I was just answering. Back to Dysautonomia. How were you diagnosed? How is your doctor treating you? How is your doctor following your treatment? With their treatment are you being cured? I am very disappointed with current western medicine. We are pretty good at acute illnesses(trauma, stroke, heart centers, etc.) but stink at chronic illnesses. We are a pharmaceutical/drug pushing medical society. You have a complaint, you get a drug. Health care is pharmaceutically driven. This is how doctors are taught. OK not all but certainly most. They develop a drug and then find a disease to use it on. Thank you everyone for contributing to this thread. Your input is valuable and mentally stimulating. Dysautonomia is an old disease but today it is more understood by more. Current thinking and treatment is 10 years ahead of its time.
  13. So how can we learn from each other if we are not here on this forum. I didn't question your mast dx and only tried to ask and understand how everyone is being dx with dysaotonomia. I ask, What is the dx. tool usedfor dysautonomia? Why am I here? To share and learn about dysautonomia. This is DINET. am I on the wrong site? I have not allways lived what I think today but as I learn and change . I try to use what I have learned everyday.
  14. Nowhere did I say avoiding wheat, sugar, corn, milk, or aspertatme would cure/tx dysautonomia. You are absolutely right that we have only scratched the surface of knowledge.
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