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  1. when i was diagnosed last november the doctor's report said that it was POTS but my neurologist insisted that it could be POTS or anxiety causing a false positive. She had at the same time sent me to the psychiatrist who seems to think that the POTS is a minor inconvenience and that an anxiety disorder is the main problem. I don't see the neurologist anymore because in her words 'i just have to live with it' but I'm still seeing the psychiatrist whose only understanding of POTS is what I tell her. (I'm all for the age of web technology but last appointment I suggest swapping my Lexopro for Cymbalta and she looked it up on wikipedia. I imagine that would hysterical if it wasn't my medication we were talking about.) I spent 18 months being bounced from doctor to doctor before I had the TTT and the technician was fantastic - she explained everything as she went through and guessed the diagnosis by just flicking through my medical file. I understand that there is some crossover between anxiety and POTS, at least on paper, but I'm hoping that someone reading this will have the 'magic cure' that will get her to understand that I'm not just an attention seeking teenager with a psych condition. I like to keep my school books neat so I apparently have OCD, I had a friend in primary school who died so I apparently have PTSD - it just seems to me that every time i see her she tries to find out some big dark secret to explain why I'm the way I am - exhausted, fainting, nauseas - which is a - not helpful and b - inconsiderate to the people out there who are really suffering with those conditions. I guess that's just what I get for seeing a psychiatrist. Sorry, venting was getting a little out of hand, I promise there is actually a point to this post. I'm hoping that someone can tell me who I should be seeing as my PCP; a cardiologist, neurologist etc. I would have thought a neurologist would be the obvious choice but the one I mentioned earlier is really the best in the area and she's made her views on POTS pretty clear. I'm hoping for someone who can give me better advice that 'just get over it'
  2. maggie: i think this may be the link you were looking for cute little kid included
  3. sadly caffeine and i no longer agree. less than 2 years ago, when i was still a rower, i needed my v energy drinks to make it to the 5am training sessions and we could all put away 2 or 3 before heading off to school with absolutely no side affects. In comparison last week i had one mouthful of a friend's drink and found myself still trembling/tremor-ing *brain fog* three hours later. needless to say i won't be trying that again for a while jayje x
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