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Everything posted by roxie

  1. HI! Does anyone know anything further about the reaserach going on at the Baker Institutue in Australia? And how well its doing getting published in the US? How about any new developments anywhere? Just wondering Take care ~Madeline
  2. I have been strugglingwith POTS for 9 years,and althoug over the past few years I've gotten drasticaly stronger, i.e. i can sit up and read or do things for a couple of hours everyday, I am nowhere near normal or as strong as I would like to be. I am consistent with all my meds, physical therapy, and pushing myself to do things. Yet I still feel that it is as horrible fight. I would like to start college part time, hopefully in the Spring, but I know thats a tall task How does anyone who was once bedridden, desperately ill, go to being able to do things? Did it happend overnight? Or did you have to build up strength over time? ~Madeline
  3. HEY!! My lesson went really well today! I have a trainer,who is one of my good friends sister, and I'm getting to know my trainer too. She took alot of time to talk about my problems and make sure everything was comfortable! I only rode for 15 minutes, but I really liked it! And it didn't make me feel like I thought it would. I thought I would be in more of a standing position, but it felt like a crouch or a cross between sitting and standing. I got slightly nauseas and only felt dizzy once I got home. On the horse I didn't feel faint, on it and for awhile after I had this invigorating/relaxed feeling! It made my muscles feel weak though, I def. have to spend some time strengthening them! But its something I'm going to give more of a try, we'll see what happens!! Madeline
  4. My DR has told me for awhile now that one of his patients used to ride horses all the time, got sick and couldn't. Then one day, she just decided she was going to and soon she starting feeling better then she had in years. Well I'm finally going to have my first lesson tomorrow, and I'm wondering has anyone else tried? Has it helped? ~Madeline
  5. I've been taking Mestinon for a little over a year and it totally helps!!! I've been doing things I never dreamed of last summer, its amazing, and DEFINITELY helps with my brain fog!! I was never able to sit and do schoolwork for more than 20 minutes and now I can do it for 3 hours!!! WHOA!! It's so exciting, give it a try Madeline
  6. What does everyone do for fun? Or to get out of the house? I feel as though, opputrutnies to go out and do things as well as see other helps not only in my outlook, but with my strength as well. the only problem is i can never finds things to do. We onyl have limited shopping around. Any suggestions? Madeline
  7. HI Sonotech! I'm Madeline and I just joined, I have to tell you, I know exectly how you feel! I've been struggling for 9 years and from the day I got sick i basically lost my friends. For years and years I didn't have anyone. a few months ago I joined a church and have started to make some friends there!!! It's been wonderful, but I still struggle with friendships. You can PM me anythime I hope things start to look brighter Madeline
  8. What I do with bananas is I melt chocolate and peanut butter!!!!! It's helps disguise the taste somewhat Claire, olives normally have more salt than pickles do, I eat them everyday...but I've gotten SO sick of them that I plug my nose when I eat them Choi, Madeline
  9. HI Everyone!!! I'm Madeline, and I'm new here. I've been reading these posts for awhile and thought it was about time to join!! i've been struggling with POTS for almost 9 years now, amd its not easy. I've had many ups and downs Lastly, does anyone else who takes florinef desise bananas and OJ. Every since I was a little girl I haven;t liked them,so of course I'm the one who develops and illness where I need them to survive, blech. I hate them WITH A PASSION chio, Madeline
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