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Flu Shots?


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I know I should call the doctor and ask but Grubbs office always takes a while to return phone calls and I feel like sometimes people in here are just as knowledgeable. I just got over bronchitis and I am still not feeling great and its definitely affecting my POTS and my blood pressure. I am terrified that I will get the flu this year but I didn't know if the shot would affect this condition.

Anyone know?

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for A LOT of discussion about this i'd highly recommend a search. it's come up & been batted around at length on the forum at least yearly (right about now...)

in short, though, it's a pretty devisive issue. both from the patient perspective & that of the ANS docs (& docs in general). ultimately it's a personal decision & there isn't any official guideline/ recommendation for those with ANS issues. my docs (including dr. grubb) have all highly encouraged me to get the shot for years as well as the pneumonia shot, but this doesn't mean they'd recommend the same for everyone. and i know at least one of the top/ highly respected ANS docs recommends the opposite.

i've never had a problem with the shots other than localized irritation/ soreness, though i'll add the disclaimer that while i'm in the extreme category as far as the degree of ANS dysfunction i don't tend to have AS many issues with reactions/ meds/ etc as some others (though still more than the general population).

in regard to your just being ill, though, in most situations docs would want you to be rid of any acute illness before getting the shot (though if there's an flue outbreak already happening they sometimes feel otherwise).

last but not least, without wanting to be a downer, the flu shot isn't a guarantee against getting the flu (nevermind a myriad of other viruses floating around that aren't the flu but are often called such by those who have them). on a yearly basis it's formulated to protect against the strains predicted to be most prevalant. i don't say this to imply that it's not worth getting (like i said i've gotten them for years & will contunue to do so) but just to emphasize that - without being paranoid - it's still important to wash hands, etc.

hope you're feeling better,

:blink: melissa

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I am not a doctor, but I'm going to play one on TV for a second...

In general, it's beneficial both for individuals and society as a whole for as many people as possible to get flu shots. This is oftentimes particularly true if you're at risk for complications from the flu- i.e., children, the elderly, pregnant women, people with chronic conditions, and caregivers, including teachers. My understanding is that the main medical reasons to not get a flu shot would be 1) an allergy to eggs, or 2) a compromised immune system. It sounds like your main concern is that your immune system is compromised from being sick. In that case, I'd probably wait until at least your pcp says you're better enough that it won't negatively affect you. But I obviously don't know your whole health history, and Lord knows that ANS issues seem to hook into all the other systems in our bodies and do funky things. So, if there are other ANS issues indicating that you would have a bad reaction- like poor reactions in the past to shots-then I'd go ahead and call your specialist.

Whatever you decide to do, the people around you defintely should get the shot, if they can (especially if you choose to forego it). Also, as Sunfish mentioned, the flu shot only protects against the scientist's best guess at what this year's flu is going to be. Now, we're getting very good at doing this, but it's not perfect. So, you need to continue to take all other precautions, like handwashing and cleaning the germ 'hot spots' in your house- telephones, door knobs, faucets, etc. It's actually generally better not to use antibacterial soap though! A weak bleach mixture is all most people need for disinfecting, and most people don't really need to disinfect that often. Hot water and soap gets rid of pretty much everything.

Alright, so I'm sorry for the long post...I got on my public health soapbox (get it- 'soap' box? ha ha) for a second.

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I was just thinking about this today. I have had a cough/laryngitis for weeks and was thinking that this might be the year to get the flu shot. I will ask my drs what they think. I can usually shake a cold in a few days but I feel like with pots it takes so long to heal.

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I've had a flu vaccine every year since I was diagnosed with asthma 10 years ago. This goes back to before I developed POTS. The worst reaction that I have personally had is a very swollen sore arm and a couple of days with a mild temperature and feeling rather grotty.

I actually had this year's shot last week and was feeling back to my normal self within 48 hours. I had had a recent episode of sinusitis and my doctor inssted that I had completed my antibiotics and been without a temperature for 48 hours before I could receive the vaccine.

The important thing to remember is that you still can catch the flu if it is a different strain to the ones that are put in the vaccine. Also that there are lots of other bugs and viruses that can make you feel pretty dreadful that you won't be protected from by the flu vaccine.

It is probably a decision that you and your doctor need to make together.


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Lina, I've got a cough/laryngitis too! Must be something going around the Boston area.... How long have you been without a voice? And are you taking anything? I hate taking any drugs now....

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On the topic of viral infections, I just wanted to share my experience with DanActive. It is a drinkable yogurt which contains a probiotic. I do not own any stock in the company, FYI. :blink: I started drinking DanActive around February, 2007 and have not had a viral infection since then! I think this is a record for me. Knock on wood. It masks the flavor of the giant salt tablet and other of my nasty tasting pills too.


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Sorry to be a party pooper on all the pro shot posts, but I had a flu shot the winter after I had a bad dose of pnuemonia. Bad move. I was very sick and even more tired and listless. My immune system was weakened and I got quite sick with the flu. i guess everyone is different, but if you have a sensitive system as I do, I would be cautious.

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I very seldom get upper respiratory infections (knock on wood) so I never get the shot, but my son gets one every year. He's on Enbrel, so i don't take any chances.

You should never get the shot if you are having any symptoms at the time. It should only be given if you aren't sick (I mean acutely sick with a cold or something) I think it's very much a personal decision. I have always been told that since the virus is dead, it's the preservatives or something else you are reacting to, not the flu part itself. I guess it's like everything else. morgan

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