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Childhood Epilepsy?


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I was curious if anyone else out there had childhood epilepsy or epilepsy currently? Or any history of seizures? I had epilepsy as a child, I don't figure there is any correlation...

Also, does anyone else have a movement disorder? Example Essential Tremor? Just curious to how many people have multiple neuro. types of diagnoses.


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When I was about 6 years old I had several grand mal-type seizures and spent a week in the hospital. I was deiagnosed with epilepsy. I remember taking phenobarbital. I was on it that about 3 years. Eventually, they weaned me off, said I didn't have/never had epilepsy, and didn't know why I'd had the seizures. It was just a fluke.

I still don't have that type of problem. Maybe it was a God healing.

Also, as a child through teen, whenever I overheated (and I lived in the San Joaquin Valley of California - very hot in summer!) I would pass out. Doctors never did any testing, but told us that because I was so thin, and my blood pressure while normal, was still on the low side, would drop because of the heat. Since it didn't have much room to drop, I would pass out. They said that if I put on weight it would help. I tried everything in the world to gain weight, and it never worked. (Sure wish that was still my problem. Now I have at least 30 extra pounds I'd love to get rid of :P )

I've often wondered if the POTS is related to some of the problems from my childhood.

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I had epilepsy when i was younger, and started having seizures around age 2. And eventually i grew out of it, and stopped having seizures when i was 7. I don't remember much from back then. My mom has told me that i had all kinds of seizures and that whenever i had seizure, i would end up in the hospital because it was so bad.

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i have been told that i do not have seizures. and i have never had epilepsy. but i do take phenobarbital evey pm. as i have what appears to be seizure like epsisodes at night. i wake up with severe abdominal pain staart pouring sweat and loose my bowels and pass out. almost like i go into shock. i don't know what you would call it, but i take seizure med for it.

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I think I had one isolated seizure when I was a young teen. I had just awoken & I was sitting on a bench in front of my dressing table mirror. I "woke up" on the floor. As I was coming to, the sound & feeling of my tongue thrashing around in my mouth was alarming. That's what makes me feel like it may have been a seizure as opposed to a simple faint. No one saw me. It never happened again. No DX, no meds.


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