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I Tend To Space Out/run On Autopilot A Lot- Does Anyone Else?


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Hi all!

I don't know how well you will understand, because it may be just me... :) But, I frequently have times where I do stupid things because I am so spaced out or am just running on autopilot (some kind of out of body experience type of thing). I don't mean this in a weird way, but I tend to I guess have symptoms that are a lot worse than I am consiously aware of and continue on like nothings wrong. This gets me in a lot of trouble, by not taking the warning signs and finding some way out of the episode. Anyways, it happens frequently, and I was wondering if it happens to other people and how do you work with it?

For me an example is being out shopping (a lot of standing and walking) when it is over 90 degrees out and will be have a conversation with my family, and make a fool out of myself. I went on how much I liked a particular food (meat) to my own sister, like trying to get her to try it, but she has been vegetarian for like five years. I run on some kind of going through the motions autopilot mode, but am not entirely able to think through everything I am doing. I also have "woken up" later to find myself in the mens bathroom! Whoops!

So, heat, standing etc. for a long time, and kneeling and getting back up tends to bring this on. It really seems sometimes that it isn't until I start to come out of it that I realize that there was even a problem.

So, anyone else have this problem? Any hints? Besides the obvious avoid things that can make it happen.

I know I am weird! :)


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Haha you are not alone, I find myself doing this quite frequently!

Lots of times i will be talking to people, answer them and not even know what i just told them, or what they had asked. And it usually is a full answer. I guess thats just another fun quirk of being a potsie

However i dont really have any suggestions on than just concentrate really hard on what you are actually doing at the time, try not to think of other thigns. Its hard when you have to be so consious of what you are doing all the time, i think that is was led me to this path of autopilot as you said.

Good luck!


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yep, everyday. Usually I just say, "I'm tired". Or, "I need another cup of coffee." I think we don't notice til there is a need to communicate with others, then we hear some very unclear response from ourselves.

As far "waking up" someplace, being that dazed, I only did that before my DX and Meds. Auto pilot is not ok for driving. That is serious.

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I have a very difficult time staying on track in conversations. My hubs will be talking to me about something and I realize I have absolutely no idea what he has been saying, and must ask him to start over. He doesn't mind, usually laughs at me, but he can tell when I'm not all there. As far as suggestions, I just don't have any. it's much worse when I'm tired. morgan

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I know I am spacing out when I start searching for simple words and coming out with the wrong ones. My speech can seem a little slurred too and sometimes my tongue feels like it is swollen. I notice it and try to just stop talking and see if I need to sit down or take more meds or something.


I did it this morning soon after getting out of bed and was bathing and I tried to start a sentence and the 3rd work into it I just stopped and told my husband never mind.

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Oh yes! I space out in the middle of conversations quite often. My dear hubby has begun to doubt me- "You know, you're not quite as sharp as you used to be..." The worst is when I'm driving my son somewhere (like school) and I forget where I am or where we're going. My 14 y/o is used to reminding me. I recently was shopping at a super Wal-Mart near home & I lost my cart FOUR times. You are definately not alone. Cognitive fog is a huge problem for me. Sometime I actually worry that it's early onset Alzheimer's. I'm only 45 y/o.


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Ugh, the worst is trying to do homework with my kids and I have to admit to them that mommy just isn't that smart anymore! I can't follow the word problems or read directions. I mix up words all the time and they just shrug and say "that's okay mom, you've got pots." At work one day I said the lights in here are just too bright and went around turning off all the lights. Ten minutes later I said why is it so dark in here and proceeded to turn back on all the lights I had just turned off. DUH! It is very frustrating because I can't really remember but I think I used to be smart!

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I do some of the same things you are all writing about here. I am so sorry we have to deal with this, but I am so glad to hear I am not the only one. Meeting new people is stressful for me and we all know how stress can bring out our POTS symptoms. I am constantly asking them a question, hearing the answer, commenting on it, and 5 minutes later asking again and feeling like a fool!

Glad to not be alone!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this was originally posted a while ago but I just read it. This has just started happening to me and it's so frustrating. On Wed. I went to drop my twins off at preschool and couldn't remember my phone number to check them in with. Then, I went out to the parking lot and couldn't find the minivan. I was seriously starting to freak out that it was stolen. Of course, I just forgot where I parked it!

I also took a plate full of meat to the laundry room to grill! Weird. Glad to know it's not just. Not sure what is bringing this on for me.


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Lots of us can relate I see! Yes, I have this and am finding it to be worse as my symptoms are worse.

Recently, I was on the phone with my PCP's nurse, whom I talk to a lot, and I totally blanked out and was very confused in our conversation (it was early in the morning). I think she expressed concern to my doctor... because my PCP called me and talked quite a while and had me come right in.

She really urged me to go to a Neurophsycologist and get cognitive testing. I did that just a couple weeks ago.

Well guess what? No indication of brain damage at all!!! In fact I scored in the 93-94% in most areas (for my age - 45). The Doctor said that he feels from all the testing (a full days worth) that there are several factors to my function loss (it's become apparent to my whole family too). He said that the fatigue I have is probably the biggest cause, as well as the fact that I have a severe chronic condition with not enough management of the symptoms. This limits my brains abilitiy to focus in the way I used to.

So... one of those good news bad news.... good news = no brain damage ... bad news = until I can get this illness under control and the fatigue dealt with, there's not a lot of hope for improvement.

So... I make adjustments. I don't drive much because the quick decisions are hard. It's like I"m a new driver and have to concentrate hard to drive well and that's tiring (let alone - sitting straight up). I laugh a lot at my mistakes to keep them light hearted... but I let my family know when my weirdness or mistake hurts my heart too much to laugh.

Hope my testing experience helps some of you feel more secure.


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