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Pre- Disposition For Pots?


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i keep reading that here and have yet to see anything that tells me how i have a predisposition to dys. i guess i am not understanding how you all know you are pre-disposition for dys.

totally lost on this one.

cause from what i have read on a few websites, i am like the only one that has nothing else wrong with them but dysautonomia. no other medical probs. PRIMARY DYSAUTONOMIA.

just trying to understand.

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I believe most of us think you are born with the predisposition. We don't know, we just believe you are. If you weren't you wouldn't develop it. I'm not sure it can be proved, but it's like other illnesses. Something at some point triggers it, or it just happens, but we are born with the gene mutation or whatever causes it, in place. I think this may be what you are referring to?

Things that wouldn't affect a person who is not already prone to this, wouldn't develop the problems. People can be predisposed to many things. Sometimes they never develop that thing and sometimes they do. My family is predisposed to Sclera derma (a disease in the Lupus family) but my aunt and sister are the only ones to have it. Hope that makes sense...... morgan

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I have often wondered the same thing.In my case,I have always had severe nausea (since I was a child) and migranes most of my adult life. I was though,totally functionally until I got full blown POTS after a back surgery. Since having POTS,I thought the nausea and migranes may have been signs of predispostion,anyone have any thoughts on this? Pat

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I have always been a fainter, maybe once or twice a year as a young person. My mother took me to a neurologist but he found nothing wrong with me. I always had very low blood pressure.

As an adult (around 35) I got a virus, which seems to have triggered the full blown POTS.- I was so fatigued, asthma, allergies, fainting every day, sore throat, body ache etc. for months.

So I would say I had a predisposition - I always fainted easily, but nothing very serious.

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I have often thought of having a predisposition too.... I was always having really bad motion sickness and nausea as a kid and throughout life. I always felt as if there was something wrong with me, even when I was really young. It was like I never quite felt well like all the other kids did. I've never fainted, so that's not my POTS issue, but I get really nauseated, weak, and lightheaded. You might be on to something there... :)

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Interesting topic, thanks for starting the thread. I've only been to a neurologist once, but his take on it, is that while we are each being developed in our mother's womb, getting or having dysautonmia is already part of our dna. He asked me if my mother's was under stress during her pregnancy with me as that can affect a baby's nervous system development, etc. He had lots of thoughts on this and it was very interesting to listen to his points of view.

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Technically I had the predisposition through EDS.

BUT I acquired POTS primarily after a viral infection in 2004. Peole who suffer POTs after this sort of sudden onset in later life have the best chance of spontaneous recovery, often within 3-5 years, I was told.

It is now coming up for 3 years, and I am feeling a lot better than I did in the beginning. My mobility, my blood pressure, my day to day life have all improved dramatically.

I believe that for some people, this illness runs its course and then recedes- at least, that's what seems to be happening to me.

Good luck!

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