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Florinef Discontinued++++++++++++++++++


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All I've ever taken is the generic so I can't compair it to the name brand...but I've taken it for almost 3 yrs. now and from what I can gather it works the same. Pharm. companies often do this with drugs when there are a lot of generics available b/c it gets to expensive for them to compete...same thing happened with my b/c pill. It ***** trying something new...I'm leary of generics too. Hope everyone is okay with the change. Perhaps another company will pick it up and start producing it...that happens sometimes too.

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I'd imagine that they probably just decided not to go for their patent again, and I doubt they'd do it if it was performing better than the generics, otherwise the $$$ would likely be worth it.

I only ever tried the generic, too. Since it's prescribed for other illnesses, I wouldn't worry about it disappearing altogether.

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That's interesting - my Fludrocortisone tablets (in the UK) are sold under the brand-name "Florinef" but they are made by Bristol-Myers Squibb in France!

In the UK doctors prescribing under the NHS (almost all prescriptions) have to write generic drug names and are only allowed to prescribe brand-names of certain drugs. This means that the pharmacist can supply which ever generic they stock and often means that my prescriptions are different brands each time - hasn't seemed to cause me any problems in general so far.


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I too have only taken the generic form and have had no problems. It is such a widely used medication that I can't see them stopping it all together. Hopefully those with very sensitive issues to medication ( like myself most times) can find a generic that works for them.

I had that problem with the midodrine. When I switched insurance companies my new company wouldn't pay for the brand name. Most of the generic midodrine tablets I had problems with until my pharmacy finally found one that didn't bother me. He now orders only that generic brand for me and keeps it in stock since he knows I will always be getting more it has never been an issue. Maybe for those that are sensitive to the generic Florinef can find a pharmacy to work with them like mine does.

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