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What Have Your Brain Mris Shown?

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Just curious, what have your brain mri's shown?

My report mentioned a couple of slight abnormalities and mentioned that these things are usually early manifestations of retroviral infections.....whatever that is. The two things it mentioned was prominence of the pharyngeal of probably adenoid tissue and it also mentioned mixed clivus fat.

I am probably dreaming but I just wish there was some thing we all had in common that could explain our health issues.

Thanks for sharing and best health wishes!

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Yeah, it would be a lot more remarkable if they didn't find one, wouldn't it? Then they'd make a show about you and I'd watch it on the Discovery Health Channel or The Learning Channel (I don't know if you get those on your side of the Atlantic, but they have programs about goofy medical stuff all the time).


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MRIs from 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006 have shown small lesions. The most recent one showing lesions on the peri-ventricular area, and my neurologist spotted one on the medulla area. Two neurosurgeons said I have a prominant vertebral artery pressing on the brain stem along with congenitally small posterior fossa---(lower skull). Possible Mastoiditis was also mentioned.

The radiologist wrote that I should have follow up with a neurologist for possible demyelation process, or small vessel ischemic disease. The local neurologist I saw said the lesions were probably cause by "migraines"--------- I don't suffer from migraines----never did...........

Maxine :0)

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I had normal brain MRIs in 1994 and in approximately 1998 (that one may have shown a sinus infection, but I don't have that report). An MRI with Gadolinium Contrast using a pituitary protocol in January 2001 showed mild sinus disease, and the report said the odontoid configuration was slightly unusual on the sagittal image (probably an incidental finding).

I had an abnormal MRI of the brain in January 2005 (without contrast) which showed dorsal angulation of the odontoid with respect to the proximal cervical cord, and it showed non-specific periventricular deep white matter tract abnormalities/lesions adjacent to the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles (findings most pronounced on the left). The MRI report states that they could be caused by small vessel disease caused by microangiopathy or a possible demyelinating disorder. My doctors say they could be caused by brain shearing from when my car was rear-ended in 2002, my severe migraines, or multiple sclerosis (or other demyelinating disorder). Unlike Maxine, I've had severe migraines for several years, so mine actually could be caused by migraines.

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