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Allergic Tests


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I went to the Alergologist and mentioned all my previous and current allergies and/or reactions, plus the possibilities of having problems with (PPD) Paraphenylenediamine (Check to read more info: Dermatitis )

Of course, the most important issue is that I had an allergic reaction to a local anesthetic (Novocaine) some years ago.

First, he carried out the skin tests for the usual allergies (polen, acarus, etc) and sheduled another appointment for a longer test of 5-6 hours in order to check my allergies to drugs.

To test the Paraphenylenediamine and others, he has given me a T.R.U.E. test patch. Well, in fact 3 different TRUE patches. True Test information

As it has to be on the skin for 2 days, my husband will have to put it on my back 2 days before the appointment for the drug-test.

They will remove it at the Hospital on the 3rd day and check the results.

Then I will have to undergo the special long test for allergies to drugs, specially anesthetics. It is supposed that I could have had a kind of anaphilactic shock or anaphylactoid reaction anaphilactic info some years ago when I had an inyection of anesthetic... I had other reactions to different drugs later too.

Furthermore to all this, when I mentioned the TTT test and that I was given sublingual nitroglicerine and had a syncope 3 minutes later with a very, very low bp (he read the bp at my recovery)... He did not seemed to be happy about that...

We have always wondered why I do not use to recover promptly when laying down again, and it rather takes so much time to gain consciousness after that kind of faintings. Isn?t it supposed with POTS that you recover by yourself and quickly after laying down?

I guess he thought it could have been a reaction to the drug... :blink:

In fact, the Cardiologist scared to death after the Nitroglicerine because I did not recover for a "too long" time. Both nurses were shouting at me, worried, trying to recover me...

I think they already were thinking to inyect "something" to reverse the symptoms when I finally opened my eyes...

Of course I am not trying to say that I have no POTS, as I have it and I am sure that if the Cardiologist had waited more time during my TTT instead of just 15 minutes to give me the Nitroglicerine, I would have fainted, becase my hr was slightly increasing and my bp was getting lower...

My worries now are the allergic test to drugs... :( Thanks God it will be carried out at the Hospital, with special monitors (and laying down). But they told me I will have to fast from midnight and stop all my drug treatment 24 hours before the test.

I admit it. I am a little scared about it.

It is supposed that they will try the drugs (to which I had an alleged allergic reaction to), increasing the dosis until a reaction appears...??? :lol:

BTW, I have read that the TRUE Patch test includes a "Caine Mix". ISn?t that an anesthetic?


I would appreciate any comments about all this. Suggestions, ideas,... Are welcome.

Thanks beforehand for your help,

Take care,



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Wow Tessa,

I can't advise much as I've never had the extensive testing that you are about to undergo. I did the anaphylaxsis series of scratch testing at my allergist's a few years ago as I appeared to have a few episodes. I, too, was nervous as I was afraid of what my body would do. My allergist assured me that this was a VERY controlled setting and I'd be OK. I was. I also wasn't officially allergic to anything! I've since learned that pistachios and holly (when it scratches my skin) will set me off. Extreme stress and PMS, and menstruation can also be a trigger for me. I'm being treated for Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD).

You, too, will be in a very controlled setting. Epinepherine will be administered via IV should any reaction occur and (as long as the reaction is truly an allergic response) it should promptly help you. I've had to use an epi-pen and it immediately stops my symptoms. You will have a medical team monitoring your every reaction and reacting as needed. They will have an arsenal of other drugs at their disposal to use as needed. I guess the most difficult thing for you will be to control your stress level to accurately access how yor body is reacting to different agents.

Very scary indeed- knowing you will be given meds you are supposedly allergic to....I guess in the long run this testing will render you much safer when needing anesthetics in the future. Let us know when the test will be so we can say a prayer and cross our fingers and toes for you:-)


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Thank you for answering pat57.

It is always useful even if you did not have these tests done.

15 seconds? :blink: I do not know the time it took for me but they were really worried. My husband heard their screams from outside and was thinking to enter the room...

The Cardiologist was still impressed and nervous when my husband talked with him a few minutes later...

Of course, there is nothing written about this so I can only explain it to other doctors...



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Hi Julie,

You cannot imagine how supportive your post has been. It is a relief to know that you went through something similar, that it is useful and that they are extremely careful with us.

I saw the room where the test will be carried out and I agree with you that they have everything they could need close. It is going to be a very controlled testing.

Not only I am a little scared about the tests, which I am highly sure they will be possitive

(In fact, the allergist said that he was pretty sure that I am allergic to PPD... And it is more possible to be allergic to anesthetic if you are allergic to PPD... ) , but I worry if they will understand the importance of the allergy. Do you think I would have to beg for a epi-pen or do they prescribe it right away when you have a possitive reaction in order for you to carry it with you?

I had similar reactions to different drugs and if the allergy is confirmed, I imagine I will have to carry a medical alert...

I am sorry to admit that I am still a little scared about the test, but sincerely, sharing your experience with me has helped a lot.

It is indeed important to know if it safe for me to use anesthetics in the future...

Thanks for caring about me, Julie.



Please, other comments, ideas and suggestions are still welcome.

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Hi Tessa,

You should get a script for your epi-pens right away. Here in the states, they come in a two-pack. It's important to always carry one in your purse, etc. And, they do expire...so be sure to stay on top of your expiration dates and get them refilled periodically. It's a bit scary to use one, but when you need it, it is a true lifesaver. You stick yourself in the thigh right through your clothing. For me, I feel better immediately. My poor hubby had to stick me the first time. I was so frightened to use the epi pen because a part of my anaphylaxsis reaction is a super fast HR (200BPM or more.) I feel like I'm about to pass out. I know epinepherine can make tachy worse...thus my fear. But, it doesn't with allergies. It restores a normal rhythm to my heart. After you use your epi-pen, you laways need to report to the ER just to be observed for a while. Once in a while, I need a slow epi-drip tp help stabilize things. Then, I have to get in to see my allergist ASAP.

Is anesthesia the only thing that causes a reaction for you? Will you be tested for other things as well. Knowing your triggers will make it much safer for you.

I've had weird reactions to anesthesia before too. I think your testing is going to make any future procedures much, much safer. I'd be frightened too if I were about to undergo the testing you are. But, it is obviously a really controlled and safe setting. they are anticipating an allergic reaction and will be prepared to handle it.

You will definately be in my thoughts and prayers. Be sure to give us a full report when it's all done.



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Hi Julie. Thank you for caring :o

Of course it will first have to be confirmed but it is good to know that they do prescribe the epi-pens right away. Thank you for telling me.

Ooops. :blink: Poor hubby, he had to stick it first! Did they explain how to use it?

Yes, a bit scary, indeed, but I prefer sticking it (If I need it) than having the reaction.

As I mentioned before, with Nitroglicerine it took me just 3 minutes to pass out (of course, I was standing too).

"It restores a normal rhythm to the heart". That?s extremely important, as well as if it restores

the blood pressure. Does it?

Wow! More than 200 pmb is a lot... I think that my reaction is just the opposite, my hr and bpm fall down all in a sudden... Though I cannot confirm it. I think that first, my hr increases and then falls down, because I feel my heart bumping quickly in my chest and it gives me chestpain...

Is anesthesia the only thing that causes a reaction for you? Will you be tested for other things as well. Knowing your triggers will make it much safer for you.

Well, besides the extremely itchy rashes that I have from time to time, the alleged reaction to PPD, being gluten and casein intolerant, having to avoid gluten and casein on cosmethics, cremes,... because I have a reaction that could be similar to HP, etc.

The most important and "could be" dangerous reactions are when I have been inyected Novocaine (local anesthetic)...

Another reaction was when I had to undergo an endoscopy with sedation. I was supposed to be conscious and collaborating with the doctor but I have been sleeping since soon after it was inyected and it took "a lot" to recover and awake. They even were unable to find my hr... :angry:

BTW, a few days ago I was finally able to be informed of the drug that they used: Dolantine inyected intravenously.

While having the TTT my hr was increasing and my bp was going down, but after 15 minutes tilted, the Cardiologist said he had enough and wanted to try with Nitroglicerine (sublingual).

I thought he would wait 45 minutes before trying with a drug but they said that waiting was a waste of time and... I had what was supposed to be a low dose of Nitroglicerine (sublingual).

After a while, I started feeling pressure in my head, uncomfortable, confused and a little dizzy.

According to the Cardiologist, the syncope took place 3 minutes after Nitroglicerine and his dx was POTS and/or NCS - Vasovagal syncope. (As he has no idea about POTS, he thinks that they are all the same)

It was obvious from his expression that the alergologist was not satisfied with the Nitroglicerine test, altough he did not mention it...

At least they will know when to use epinephrine, because I think that maybe the Cardiologist should have used it to help me recover... This time they will be prepared and knowing what they are coping with.

Thank you for your possitive thougths and prayers, Julie.

Of course I will keep you updated.



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