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Not To Offend Anyone, But...

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Hi, everyone,

I have to ask this question. Whenever I experience more abdominal pain than usual, more muscle tightness, burning in my bladder, etc., I get urine that smells strongly, of what, I can't really say. Not ammonia, I don't think. I'm wondering if it's not adrenaline I'm smelling, and maybe the muscle tightness, bladder pain, etc., are from adrenaline rushes. Anyone else?

Oh, this is not from bladder or kidney infection, or UTI's. I'm releasing something into my system, and I just don't know what it could be.

Also, I eat nothing but pork and white potatoes right now, since I can't tolerate anything else. Could too much pork make me sick?



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After my ANS/endocrinologist ran a bunch of urine tests on me years ago to rule out problems there...including urine catches, I said my urine sometimes smelled like uncooked bacon! :lol: He just kind of shrugged and said he didn't know what that meant but was not concerned.

I had no burning or infection...just stink and it does vary.

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It's funny you should say that about the uncooked bacon. I FINALLY know what it smells like, after all this time. My husband had a pork roast in the oven while we were away. Coming into the house, then, I smelled the roast and said, "That's what my pee smells like when it smells weird." I hope that didn't offend anyone.

Anyone else? Weird, I know.


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Hi Linda,

what colour is it when it smell strongly? Is it darker than usual?

Dark strong smelling urine can happen if you are dehydrated.

Also eating a lot of protein will release a lot of amino acids (building blocks of protein) - eating lots will cause the excess amino acids and their breakdown products (including ammonia) to be excreted in the urine.

You say that it isn't an infection, have you had your urine tested when it is strong smelling?


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I thought i was the only one with urine prb! I have very frequent urination, burning, etc. I have went to gyn and urologist, and it smells too, i didntknow if they were overlooking somethin or what, but it is miserable for me. I have been told they see nothing but however, how can u urinate so much and have irritation and nothing be wrong, if u get any answers please pass my way

Donna f

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Sometimes things we eat can affect the smell of our urine. Just eating pork and potatos can't be good----but if that's all you can tolerate----what can you do---? :) Pork gives me a belly ache, and potatos are heavy. Have you tried some green vegetables----canned are usually well tolerated. How about applesauce, canned fruit----or maybe cooked carrots. Things like that. Sorry, I don't know your history too well-----do you have gastroparesis?

Sometimes when I eat a few bites of golden crisp or honey smacks-----(sweetened wheat puffs)-----the next time I pee, it smells exactly the same as the cereal-----------------very, very weird.

It happens to my husband too. I don't eat the cereal much, but sometimes when I get up with my husband in the mrning to take my wellbutrin it takes a couple bites of someting---cereal, saltine crackers ect.) to get my saliva going to make the pill easier to swallow. My mouth gets extremely dry in the morning, and even during the day.

You might be getting too much pork for your kidneys to process.

Just a thought------I hope you find an answer to this.

Maxine :0)

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