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Printing Things Written On This Site


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I?m a POTS and CFS sufferer just about to start a stint of volunteer-editing the youth section of an Australian CFS newsletter. I remembered reading the ?you know you have POTS when?? thread and really enjoying it. A lot of the examples mentioned would also be applicable for CFS sufferers. I was wondering if I could reprint some of the examples used in the posts? Of course I would reference DINET/the people who wrote the examples in whatever way is wanted. As you can see, I don?t really know the procedure for getting this permission, who it involves etc., but am happy to do whatever people feel happy with, including (obviously) not reprinting these if that is what is wanted.


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Hello Amy, I will check with Michelle for a final answer, but here's my response as the administrator of the forum:

I'm okay with you printing out the items written so long as you send a request to each member who has major content on that thread to ensure that you have their permission to put their words in a publication. I believe that there is great value in sharing the humor, but dark and upbeat, that our members expressed in that particular thread--it's part of the process of acceptance of this group of disorders, combined with the frustrations and might be useful for others to read and know that they're not alone their "unique" illness.


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Hi Nina,

Thanks so much for giving me this permission. I await to see what Michelle says.

I've been checking with some of the members of the site. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to get in contact with all of them - for example people who are not part of the forum anymore (eg. dionna). Also, some people only seem to go on the forum occassionaly - I'd love to reprint Old Lady Lighthead's post about being accused of faking illness when you are trying so hard to fake being normal, but haven't been able to contact her yet, for example. I'll wait longer and see if I can make contact, but if I end up not being able to, what is the policy in this case?

Once again, I'm really grateful for your permission, and I hope that reprinting some of the posts will bring more understanding and connection between sufferers, and let some CFS sufferers in Australia who have POTS/dysautonomia know about this wonderful website.


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Hi Amy,

I am okay with your using the quotes, but you need to contact and get the okay from each individual before using their work. That is copyright law. If you can't get in touch with the people then legally you shouldn't use their work. If you want to learn more about copyright law you can do so here:



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Thanks so much for your permission and advice. I will not reprint any of the posts without the express permission of each individual who has written the posts that I reprint (and thank-you so much to those who have already given me this permission).


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