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Job Stress

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I have had a part time job since March and as of lately i think the stress is getting to me. When i started the boss wasn't there and the demand wasn't too high, yes there was stress but not as much as there is right now. Now that the owner/boss is back the stress is getting extremely high and it's causing my symptoms to go haywire. For the first time since i started i had to call in sick, the migraine that started yesterday after i got home never fully left. I feel guilty but im not the only one that wanted to quit yesterday so at least i know im not the only one in the boat, but before i quit i must find another job...which i have no clue what i could do.

any tips on handling stress...

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Hi Susie, I am going through the exact same thing you are. I have been at my job for 6 months and when I first started there my boss was never there. Now she is there everyday and the stress level is out of hand. I love my job and my coworkers, but my employer is very domineering and at times just outright mean to her employees. I am not one for challenging her or giving it back to her so i suffer in silence. I come home to my husband and unload on him. He has stated to me time and time again that if I don't say anything to my boss then she will just get worse and I will end up blowing up on her all at once. I can feel myself burning up more and more everytime she gets on one of us. I love what I do (which is working with animals) and I love my coworkers but I often question myself if it's worth me coming home so stressed everyday. I can only give you my husbands advice to me which is sit your boss down and talk to him or her and explain what you are feeling.Hopefully I will do the same before things get really out of control.. Good Luck

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Definitely talk to your boss about it. Companies can't fire people based on medical handicaps (that's not the right wording but right now my brain fog is acting up so much I'm just going to leave it at that) but just as they have a responsibility, I feel that so do we. We have a responsibility to ourselves to stand up for what we need and what is in our best interests. Talk to your boss about the stress and see if you can come to some conclusions on possible accomidations so that it can all work out :)

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