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Breast And Rib Pain


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A couple of weeks ago, I started having severe breast pain mostly when I slept the wrong way. Although it has calmed down a lot, it is still coming and going and I am now also feeling a dull pain in my rib most of the time. I'm just wondering whether any of you have had this? Although it may POTS-related, it doesn't seem like it's coming from my heart and I am hoping it's not my heart b/c all of my echos and other heart-related tests (as recently as Feb) have come back normal. I read about breast pain on Mayo's website and it said that it is usually harmless. But still weird and scary to happen out of the blue....luckily I have a checkup with my GP on Tuesday, so I can ask him then!

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Hi Rita. I don't know if this is the same thing. But I often get chest pain when lying on my side, lying down, or leaning while sitting with any pressure on my chest. It just feels odd, like it's compressed. I am torn on whether or not to go to the doctor, because I am sure it's just a POTS thing and x-rays, CT's, and ultrasounds within the last year were all normal.

I don't get the breast pain though (outside of PMS :rolleyes: ).

Definitely mention it when you see your GP Tuesday...and let us know what he says.


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Sounds like costochondritis - inflammation of the ligaments between the ribs. It's usually self-limiting, but you can take Motrin or Naproxyn for pain and inflammation. It's a common cause of chest, rib or breast pain in young adults. Of course, your doctor is the one who would give a definitive diagnosis after performing a physical exam (just a disclaimer :rolleyes: ).

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Yes, I've had it for years. Was told it's called myalgia. Been a little better last couple years but I have big problems with finding a soft enough bed that gives a lot as I sleep on my stomach and it hurts my ribs (can't sleep any other way). No one seems to make soft beds anymore, they're all 1000+ springs that are firm. :rolleyes:

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My ribs also literally subluxate or pop somewhat out of place off the sternum, which definitely causes chest pain for me. I have eds, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. If I go to the spot where ribs attach to sternum and press, I can feel it not flush with the sternum.

The thing that has helped me the most is massage. My neck, chest, and shoulder muscles get really tight and will pull me out. (I can't otherwise safely stretch without injuring myself there-- but if you don't have eds, there are good stretches for surrounding muscles.)

Certain upper body movements will flare things up.

I have gotten help from chiropractors who put the ribs back in when it was really bad, but it seems so violent, and then I pop out again soon after because the muscles tug the ribs out again. At least with massage, the muscles stay relaxed, and the rib usually just gently slides back in on its own. It's a little sore after, but not bad.

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Thanks, guys. Luckily, I don't have EDS or fibro. This pain seems to occur when I touch a particular spot or move in the wrong way, except for the dull pain which is kind of constant. One thing I forgot to mention is that I had a couple of benign breast lumps removed in college - which makes me worry a bit, although I can't find any now. Doctorguest, I looked up costochondritis and that could well be it. I appreciate your advice and, as an attorney, your disclaimers too! :P

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Ditto- Doctorguest's guess. I've had costochondritis in my late 20's. It hurts like the dickens. It's viral in nature- I think (?) and it eventually went away after a few weeks. A heating pad helped me. Chest pain is really frightening and I was relieved to get my DX.

Hope you feel better soon.


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